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Search results for query: *

  1. wlfpackr

    Account Lockout in AD (Server 2008)

    The claim is when the account is disabled in AD, their systems drop access. Then when the person comes back, they have to rebuild access from scratch. I'm bound by HR policy though (and I control AD [smile]) so they may just be out of luck. ================= There are 10 kinds of people in...
  2. wlfpackr

    Account Lockout in AD (Server 2008)

    I have a question about the account lockout attribute in AD. We have a current process in place that disables users when they take a leave of absense. I'm being asked to change the process to "lockout" the user versus "disabling" the user b/c it's causing some other areas some headaches. So...
  3. wlfpackr

    DSGet help

    Just wondering if this is possible. Let's say you have a large quantity of AD groups sequentially named: Group-001; Group-002; Group-003........Group-100 I'd like to issue a single command to see each group and it's membership but I couldn't seem to figure out how to do it. Went on about my...
  4. wlfpackr

    Join tables based on values passed from a table?

    Sorry, I tried to scale back for simplicity sake, but I went too far. Table1.AccessValue would have values of: PositionTitle, Department, Division, State, Country. Any value in Table1.AccessValue would equal a field/column heading in Table2 i.e. Table2 would have Table2.PositionTitle...
  5. wlfpackr

    Join tables based on values passed from a table?

    I'm attempting to JOIN two tables in SQL Server 2000, but I need to pass a variable somehow from one to the other (or perhaps there is some other method I'm not aware of). Here is my current JOIN and gives me the results I currently want, but I need to expand it. SELECT e.* FROM Table1 AS e...
  6. wlfpackr

    VBscript to retrieve userWorkstation attribute from AD.

    So I took a shot in the dark and used the following code: [code] strUserDN = "CN=username,OU=Users,DC=xyz,DC=com" Set objUser = GetObject("LDAP://" & strUserDN) strUser = objUser.samaccountname strComps = objUser.userWorkstations WScript.Echo "User: " & strUser & vbCrLf & "Workstations: " &...
  7. wlfpackr

    VBscript to retrieve userWorkstation attribute from AD.

    So I've run into a rather confusing issue with a script I'm writing to update userWorkstations attribute. Below is a simplified version of what I'm doing (hopefully with no typos): strUserDN = "CN=username,OU=Users,DC=xyz,DC=com" Set objUser = GetObject("LDAP://" & strUserDN) strUser =...
  8. wlfpackr

    Can't pass a "/" through in AD query

    I'm attempting to gather a large quantity of data from the group objects in our AD using vbScript. So far the script keeps failing on the same group object. In someone's infinite wisdom they've put a "/" character in a group's name which means the group's DN also has the "/". When I pass...
  9. wlfpackr

    Retrieving logonWorkstation user attrib from A.D.

    nm. I searched for the answer all day and never found it. Tried one more time after posting this and found my answer. FYI: "userWorkstations" is the attribute. ================= There are 10 kinds of people in this world, those that understand binary and those that do not.
  10. wlfpackr

    Retrieving logonWorkstation user attrib from A.D.

    Having some problems retrieving the logonWorkstation user attribute from Active Directory. I'm assuming the attribute I need is logonWorkstation (i.e. From ADUC, on a user's profile, it's on the Account tab, "Log On To...". Used to lock an ID down to only be able to login to specific...
  11. wlfpackr

    Extracting SQL data into an array/variable in VBscript

    Thanks. I started playing around with this and it is much easier than I originally thought. BTW, just wondering what is the difference between: set objRS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") set objRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") Is the second one used with ASP? I got hung up on...
  12. wlfpackr

    Extracting SQL data into an array/variable in VBscript

    Is it possible to extract data from SQL tables into an array with VBscript? Everything I've seen online seems to deal with ASP, but I need an automated script that runs nightly against a SQL DB. A crude example of what I'm trying to do would be reading in all userID's from a SQL table with a...
  13. wlfpackr

    Pipe in entries to DSQUERY from CSV file?

    Is it possible to use a CSV or text file in conjunction with a DSQUERY or a DSMOD? i.e. Let's say I have a list of user IDs in a text file and I want to check and see if each one in the file is enabled using a DS commands. I can do it in VBscript, but I'm looking for a quicker way...
  14. wlfpackr

    Where to download Server 2k3 Corporate?

    Yes, that's what I meant, sorry about that. Luckily I found the disc right before I went through the process of ordering another one (for a whopping $25, I'm cheap). I'll make a note of that site though. Not sure if my predecessor setup an account or not, but would be good to have in the...
  15. wlfpackr

    Where to download Server 2k3 Corporate?

    I cannot find my Windows Server 2k3 Standard (Corporate Edition) disc anywhere. Anyone know where I can download a copy? I only see the retail versions on Microsoft and I don't think my key will work with those. ================= There are 10 kinds of people in this world, those that...
  16. wlfpackr

    Extract Local Users from Windows Server 2000

    After searching off and on for a couple of days, I finally found the answer. In Windows 2000 and earlier, sounds like the Win32_UserAccount doesn't have the property 'LocalAccount' so you have to take a different approach in the query. "Select * from Win32_UserAccount Where Domain = '" &...
  17. wlfpackr

    Extract Local Users from Windows Server 2000

    Your script is essentially the same as mine and doesn't work on any of the Windows 2000 Servers either. Just a note, please stick with actual answers and lose the lecture speech, especially since it didn't offer up a solution. ================= There are 10 kinds of people in this world...
  18. wlfpackr

    Extract Local Users from Windows Server 2000

    I need to extract local users off of some Windows Server 2000 boxes for audit purposes. I can get VBscript to work on Server 2003 and 2008 without issues, but not so lucky with a solution for 2000. Anyone have any suggestions? ================= There are 10 kinds of people in this world...
  19. wlfpackr

    conditional statement to match/import data in Excel sheets.

    Geez, nevermind. As soon as I posted this I saw what I was doing wrong. For those that come along later..... Column C in Sheet 1 should equal: =VLOOKUP(B2,'Sheet 2'!A:B,2) ================= There are 10 kinds of people in this world, those that understand binary and those that do not.
  20. wlfpackr

    conditional statement to match/import data in Excel sheets.

    I'm having all kind of issues with this one. I have two sheets in Excel. One has a person's name and a dept number. The other has dept number and a dept name. Crude example is below: Sheet1 Column A Column B Bill 10001 Joe 10002 Bob...

Part and Inventory Search
