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Search results for query: *

  1. pellis

    read only checkbox

    Or, you could do it that way, it would be easier [wink] ! Paul Ellis [hammer] I've been programming since you had to punch holes in cards to code. (Always remember, number your cards!)
  2. pellis

    still have layer problems

    It seems to me that you're going to need to cookie whatever value you want, then set a global variable to the cookied value or if the cookie doesn't exist, set it to the default value. Set the cookie to expire in one hour (or some other similarily short time value), so you don't run into the a...
  3. pellis

    read only checkbox

    OK, we've got two things going on here. DISABLED for the checkbox. This is just for the user to see (apparently). INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN. This is for your coding purposes. Now, whatever code sets the checked property of the checkbox (either CHECKED or not) should then set the value of the hidden...
  4. pellis

    read only checkbox

    <input type=hidden name=fauxCheckbox value=&quot;SomeValueHere&quot;> Paul Ellis [hammer] I've been programming since you had to punch holes in cards to code. (Always remember, number your cards!)
  5. pellis

    page exit confirmation

    ... or you could store the form information in a temporary cookie and refresh the form elements in the event of a DOH! Paul Ellis [hammer] I've been programming since you had to punch holes in cards to code. (Always remember, number your cards!)
  6. pellis

    LastModified date of another file

    The Hard Way Put the last modified info in divs with unique IDs for each page you want to list on your homepage. Then load these pages in hidden frames on your homepage. Now, you'll have access to the last modified information for all those pages ... and your homepage could take forever to...
  7. pellis

    Refocus on child window

    Let's say your popup window is a global popwin = window.open(blahblahblah). First you'll need a function: function refocus(){ if(popupwin){ if(!popupwin.closed&&popwin.document.readyState){ do{ }while(popupwin.document.readyState<>'loaded')...
  8. pellis

    still have layer problems

    Does showOrHide() also hide the visible layers and/or reset the z-indexes? Paul Ellis [hammer] I've been programming since you had to punch holes in cards to code. (Always remember, number your cards!)
  9. pellis

    How to have popup pull &lt;href&gt; from different parent files?

    Actually leave.html is ideally suited for just that! I skipped that part when I gave you the above code. Now, here it is in all it's cross platform glory (IE5+ and NS4+). Be VERY careful if you decide to edit the red parts. <html> <head> <title>You are leaving our site!</title>...
  10. pellis

    How to have popup pull &lt;href&gt; from different parent files?

    OK, you've got some options. Here's the way I would approach this, bearing in mind that I'm big on easy code maintainability: popup.js include file: function popup(url){ window.open(&quot;leave.html?url=&quot;+escape(url), &quot;popwin&quot;, &quot;location=no,width=350,height=300&quot;); }...
  11. pellis

    How to have popup pull &lt;href&gt; from different parent files?

    Hmmmm. I'm not sure I follow, because the first thing that comes to my mind is to just cram the extras into the query string: [tt] ?url1=blah&url2=blahblah&url3=blahblahblah [/tt} ? Paul Ellis [hammer] I've been programming since you had to punch holes in cards to code. (Always remember...
  12. pellis

    How to have popup pull &lt;href&gt; from different parent files?

    Pack it in the query string. F'rinstance: index.html would build the link: document.write('<a target=&quot;_blank&quot; href=&quot;popup.html?url='+ escape('http://outsidelink')+&quot;>'); popup.htm would parse the url and build the link: <head> <script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;>...
  13. pellis

    Newbie: Basic help on a syntax

    Try window.location='http://www.twinhelix.com'; instead, and see how that works for you. Paul Ellis [hammer] I've been programming since you had to punch holes in cards to code. (Always remember, number your cards!)
  14. pellis

    close after 5 seconds with visible countdown

    Sorry so late on this one, but here's a cross-browser solution that should work in IE, NS4.x & NS6+: <html> <head> <title>Countdown Test</title> <script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;> <!-- var countdownFrom=5; // number of seconds var countdownwin; var stp...
  15. pellis

    Bug with object Date

    Why is it that the simplest solutions are always the last considered? Does this effect happen when you &quot;spring forward&quot;, too? Paul Ellis [hammer] I've been programming since you had to punch holes in cards to code. (Always remember, number your cards!)
  16. pellis


    There might be some third party controls that will do it, but that functionality doesn't exist natively in Outlook2000 (can't speak for XP). You can write a marco in VbScript, though. Just look under Tools/Macro/Macros... Paul Ellis [hammer] I've been programming since you had to punch holes in...
  17. pellis


    It's possible, but only if SP2 hasn't been applied to Outlook (assuming you're using Outlook), but it will require that all clients that get the email have the macro installed or have scripting enabled, and have the same or similar email folder structure. This is for...
  18. pellis

    use Vb script to send to a ftp site

    See http://cwashington.netreach.net/depo/view.asp?Index=124&ScriptType=component or http://cwashington.netreach.net/depo/view.asp?Index=399&ScriptType=vbscript or http://cwashington.netreach.net/depo/view.asp?Index=419&ScriptType=vbscript Paul Ellis [hammer] I've been programming since you had...
  19. pellis

    read only checkbox

    Try DISABLED instead of READONLY=TRUE: ex. <input type=checkbox disabled value=whatever checked> Paul Ellis [hammer] I've been programming since you had to punch holes in cards to code. (Always remember, number your cards!)
  20. pellis

    What's wrong with this statement:

    DOH! [flush] Yup, she's right. Got in a hurry coding. Bad, very bad. Picture me banging my head against the wall. Good catch Juanita! [thumbsup2] Paul Ellis [hammer] I've been programming since you had to punch holes in cards to code. (Always remember, number your cards!)

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