In my long gone days of FORTRAN 77, I understood that variables were passed into subroutines by reference.
Maybe it's changed these days, what with gigabytes of memory and stuff.
Makes one wonder how the unqualified doctors that are exposed every now & again get away with it...
The favourite prescription of one such was a tablespoon of shampoo...
Still I suppose it did less harm prescribing shampoo rather than some of the other drugs available...:o)
IT8212 PCI hard disk controller card.
Following yet another lost day fighting with hardware, software and Windoze(tm)...
I thought I'd post this to save others from the hassle...
Bought some unidentified IT8212 PCI card made in Taiwan.
This provides two more IDE interfaces...
One can imagine him on top of a gas tank...
<Jimmy Cagney in "White Heat" mode on>
Top of the world ma, top of the world...
You'll never take me alive, coppers...
<Jimmy Cagney mode off>
The computer "knows" what "mov a,b" means because the assembler program (MASM or TASM or A86 or whatever for the PC) converts the source text file into machine code that the computer can understand.
The mnemonic is a human readable form that is converted into some number for the computer to...
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