I should have mentioned that I can get XML easily enough, it is a simple text dump I want. IsaInfo is good but produces XML. I have not found an adequate XML -> text converter. BTW, it is ISA Server 2004.
If you rename the file mpegin.dll, the problem goes away - I want to continue to use both media player and main concept, however. Does anyone have a proper fix?
Does anyone have a better way of creating more anonymous users? (Windows 2003 Server)
The only way we have found so far is:
Change the local security policy to allow blank passwords (it seems you MUST do this, even though the "net user" command does not complain).
Create users AnonXXX to...
clntnfo.exe" will do it. This is available from various thin sources. This returns the ICA Client Name, which is by default the computer name (but can be changed). It returns output in 'ini' file format which can be read by various scripting languages.
Example output...
I have same problem - anonymous user account autocreation on W2K3 does not work! You have to manually create them (unless anyone can tell me otherwise). This has its own problems, because you first have to modify the local security policy to allow blank logons, then create the users (remove from...
Does anyone have a better way of creating more anonymous users? (XPe on 2003)
The only way we have found so far is:
Change the local security policy to allow blank passwords (it seems you MUST do this, even though the "net user" command does not complain).
Create users AnonXXX to AnonYYY...
I have created a link to java 1.4 as directed - whenever I try to access java pages firefox crashes!
Any ideas? Error message below.
root@admin4 # PLUGIN ERROR
Java process caught exception: java.lang.InternalError: Can't find...
Thanks. We have installed it, then published Internet Explorer as an application with the required home page. But only one user can use the application at a time - subsequent users get errors. I will check and see if it was installed properly, as this is the most likely option.
Are there any...
I'm sorry - but I have read this thread again and Mr Ogi has not said how to get jinitiator running properly on Citrix. Is there another thread that tells you how to get it going?
Oracle Jinitiator does not work 'out of the box'. i.e. if you want to publish a browser, instead of a thick client. Only works single user! Anyone know how to set it up?
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