Can someone please help me, there seems to be no definitive answer.
We have Exhange server 2000; a small client network of 6 machines running WINXPPRO, Outlook 2000. Because we are an Association, we use Outlook Distribution lists to send mail to our Committees. Staff here may address an email...
At work I use Office 2000 at home I have Office 2003/ie Access 2000 and Access 2003; Both on WinXPPro machines.
When I open a database container at home for an ADP it is using the Access GUI; not the SQL SERVER GUI;
When I open a database container at work for an ADP it is using the SQL...
I have an access .mdb file that has code in the LimitToList and OnDoubleClick events.
Private Sub Combo52_NotInList(NewData As String, Response As Integer)
MsgBox "Double-click this field to add an entry to the list."
Response = acDataErrContinue
End Sub
I have the following code and have researched and read the answers to this problem. I have an Access 2000.adp; I have set my reference to the DAO.reference.x; But it is still failing at the line. This is an upsized db. Please help. Set recClone = Me.RecordsetClone()
Private Sub...
Veritas 9.0 on Exchange 2000
WinXP Pro Outlook 2000
I have a client who had a folder in Outlook called Business Contacts. She told me one day - it was gone, not in her Outlook. Fine; I restored the folder from a Backup tape. (This was several weeks ago)
On Monday Business Contacts is gone...
Peachtree Complete Accounting 2003
I have been looking for information regarding subaccounts/department masks in PT. I have read, that the limit is 99 dept. masks.
Can you re-use, change or delete a dept mask from year to year without impacting your Master account? The company I work for does...
If you have a connection to your db via your word doc, you should only have to refresh the merge. If the information is successfully input into the db by the ASP page, the update of the Word Doc has nothing to do with the Asp.
Set up your word doc, connect to the db, and re-run the merge and... Visual Webform
I would like to display a textbox based on the True False value of a checkbox. The things I have tried have not been successful.
I would then like to go one step farther, and display a "sectional" form, based on user choice.
Public Sub CheckBox1_Checked(ByVal...
Thanks alot but NO i did not install service pack 2, as we are behind a pretty tight firewall here. But port 1433 is open, as i use it for another db.
Here is a quirk for you. If I open the DB in Query Analyzer, instead of clicking on the Databases folder, it opens just fine.
WinXP machine, running MSDE with Client tools. I have an SqlServer Db on a remote host that the tech support for that host says they can log into in EM. I however cannot. It seems to run and run and run.
I know EM is ok, I have another SQL Server on a diff remote host and while it takes a few...
I am new to ASP so I guess I am back with the dumbest of questions.
I have a form with 2 choices which are radio buttons...based on which radio button is chosen I want to redirect the user and pass some values to another page.
It seems with the radio button I can get one or the other to work...
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