Hi, I have regular home Windows XP - however I couldn't find such forum here, so I had decided to ask.
When I type msconfig - my Startup brings following weird items on startup:
azde3fy8 in Temp folder azde3fy8.exe (I have 2 of those)
1357293636 as 1357293636.exe in Temp folder
I had...
No. no yellow marks.
I had restored the system to the 12th of the month, I am reading and performing steps like in System "Sound, Video and Game Controllers" section - update driver.
Nothing fixing it. Speakers are fine. Mic is not.
I want to ask how is my voice getting heard by PC? Where is...
Hello there!
I am not sure if this question belongs to this forum, if not, please, direct me to the right place.
I have Realteck HD Front Green Jack microphone and it worked with Skype until today when it stopped.
When I go to the Master Volume>Option>Properties and choose Realteck HD Front...
I need to have a text box with
label: Report Printed as of
and text box: last day of the previous month
P.S. I wanted to use DateSerial(Year([MyDate]), Month([MyDate]) + 1, 0) - however I am placing it on form and i don't have MyDate.
thanks again
More info too my question.
Data looks like following
Details on what I want to accomplish:
Use to be
Details on what I want to accomplish:
One m ore question.
I had used code to step trough a recordset
rst2.FindFirst "Action='PRO'"
I do not have an Action field anymore and I need to use Max Date to start from.
How can I change
rst2.FindFirst "Action='PRO'"
rst2.FindFirst "Max([Date])"
Thanks so much
You have to Create an object depending on what type of email you are using.
Let's say Create Outlook Object and go from there.
I do not have an example of the code but it is a start.
Good Luck!
P.S. I am pretty sure you have to Print your Access Report into .pdf or Excel file and save in the...
I am running code:
Set rst1 = dbs.OpenRecordset(strSQL1, dbOpenForwardOnly)
Do While Not rst1.EOF
' Open records for this ID, sorted by Date.
strSQL2 = "SELECT * FROM Scales WHERE ID=" & rst1!ID & " ORDER...
I am not by any means is a wizard but if you go into property of the SUB - there is an Option - On No Data and you can write the code given to you above on this event.
It worked for me, good luck!
Sorry for the confusion.
My code has a line
rst2.FindFirst "Action='PRO'"
For new Report I do not have Action field anymore.
Instead I need to have:
rst2.FindFirst "Max(date) in a field called 'Dates'"
and start from there.
I am pretty sure it will work.
Thanks a lot...
I was trying and trying and nothing works and all I need is to make sure that rst1!ID
strSQL2 = "SELECT * FROM TBL1 WHERE ID=" & rst1!ID & " ORDER BY Date"
is taken with a Max date.
Please, help
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