And if you have multiple CAS servers in the same AD Site, you need to create a CAS Array for that Site.
Understanding RPC Client Access
Go down to: The Client Access Server Array
Outlook will look at your CAS server. It wont matter what server your database is active on.
Understanding Database Availability Groups
Scroll down to: Microsoft Outlook Behavior and Logic
Delete the profile and the corresponding .OST file. Recreate the account with cache mode enabled. Hope that works for you.
Also, install O2K SP1 if you havent already.
Great knowledge can be obtained by mastering the...
Did you point the payroll server to the new exchange server ip for relay? basic question i know, but you'd be suprised how many times people forget this.
Configuring Exchange 2007 as an Authenticated or Anonymous SMTP Relay...
Deleting log files won't help your memory usage.
Great knowledge can be obtained by mastering the Google algorithm.
I know this following article is about W2K, but see if it helps you resolve it.
LDAP server locally not available on domain controller because of Winsock program
Great knowledge can...
Getting Mailbox Sizes in PowerShell
Great knowledge can be obtained by mastering the Google algorithm.
Look in to the Move-ActiveMailboxDatabase command
Sample: Move-ActiveMailboxDatabase -Server AMBX2 -ActivateOnServer AMBX1
Great knowledge can be obtained by mastering the Google algorithm.
It has to do with their passwords not matching with whats on the server. Replicate your environment in Sites and Services. May need to reset the users password in dsa.msc on the Exchange server and have the user log off and then back on with the new password.
Check theior machines for cached password credentials that may have been saved in User accounts/Advanced/Manage Passwords If there is one in there for Outlook, then clear it out.
Are you using SMTP only or any POP messaging?
Configure Exchange 2010 to Accept E-Mail for More Than One Authoritative Domain
Great knowledge can be obtained by mastering the Google algorithm.
Check this error resolution:
Great knowledge can be obtained by mastering the Google algorithm.
Error message when you try to open the Out of Office Assistant in Outlook 2007: "Your Out of Office settings cannot be displayed, because the server is currently unavailable. Try again later"
The problem is usually caused by one of the following reasons:
Reason 1: Wrong Autodiscover Service settings
Reason 2: Wrong certificate
Reason 3: Wrong permission settings on the EWS virtual directory.
Reason 4: Logged on with another user account (user logged into pc with a different domain...
kmcferrin is correct. I've always used forwarders just in case one of my DNS servers could not resolve internal records. This is probably old habits from previous versions of Windows. :)
Best Practices Analyzer
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