Hi all,
I'm attempting to connect a DEFINITY system with an asterisk machine over an H.323 trunk, and I'm having a bit of a time finding docs on how to do it exactly. Right now, I've got the following config in ooh323.conf:
Hmm, I dont suppose you could let me see the respective php.ini files? Usually, if safe mode is in effect and you try to use a restricted function, php will complain about it. Can you use the fsockopen function? if so you could always simulate a web request that way as well.
Hi, I assume you're talking about phpMyAdmin.
For Enum column types, you put them in the following format in the Length/Values field: 'one','two'
Derek F.
Make sure that you've got a grant statement in there for your local user you're trying to connect with. Chances are, if you're hosting with a linux provider, they've already granted your username privileges for your database. (Or did you say your user was 'root'? Do you have a virtual/dedicated...
The only time I've had to install MySQL 5 on a windows box I just followed the directions at http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/windows-installation.html
and it worked ok, of course, as always, YMMV.
Derek F.
This may be more of a terminal emulator setting you're looking for versus a mysql client one. Most terminal emulators have the option to turn off the bell in the config somewhere.
Derek F.
A developer at my work is using it for some of our internal web work and he seems to like it. I'll tell you it sure increased his productivity in the last few months :) .. I know its not very much info on it, but I hope it helps a bit.
Derek F.
You could always implement something on your server that connects to a script on their website and posts the information to it to be updated (probably want to encrypt it somehow) and then have the local script do all the dirty work.
check out some of the examples for posting to a remote form at...
Just for starters, remove the 'silence operator' (that is, the @ symbol) from the front of mysql_data_seek and see if you're getting any errors from that function.
Also, why use mysql_data_seek? It doesnt look like you're fetching any more results from the data set after that line...
Havent had much experience with WebBBS, but I thought I'd throw this out there
Authen::Captcha is a fairly easy module to implement, so you could always brush up on your perl coding and implement it. Sorry I couldnt be more help...
Not to pry, but what exactly are you using this code for? If you have the access to the server, why not just implement the script there and then you can use (Mime::Lite object)->send(); to send the messages, without having to pass them to the smtp server directly?
Derek F...
mod_perl is only active for the respective scripts that you define in apaches configuration.
You can use Files or Location directives to specify groups of files as well.
I know you read some tutorials on the subject, but I don't know if you've seen these few...
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