please advise how to bar out going facility even internal dialing also for the phone in nec ips 2000 as we want to provide one internal phone at security office exclusively for incoming purpose.. they may be not able to make any internal call from that phone... please help us
Dear all
we are using nec ips 2000 system. one particular internal phone is not properly ringing getting break ringing.the other all phones are ringing well as normal.. we have changed the instruments and tested... but this particular analog phone is getting break ring... please advise
yes i need this for emergency purpose only... we want a group of phones to all ring when one emergency number is called.. please advise how to do that in mat works..
secondly we also need that how to intercept the call through the console when busy coz the operator at console can be...
Dear sir
please advise how to make one group for 4 internal nos. as emergency purpose.
further please also advise us that we have one console which is being operated by nec ips 2000... how the operator has to intercept the phones when busy when there are urgent and emergency calls lands on...
Dear sir
We are using NEC ips 2000 with PRI (30 Juntion lines) when we are dialing... the only one number that is the first number in PRI is being displayed where as other junction numbers in PRI are not displayed in clip...Any one may please be given suggestion
dear belevedere
Thanks for your message.. Here i would like to clarify the questions you have asked for..
1.They are analog phone instruments.
2..Most of the times the same numbers are getting this problem
3.One no. is in pim3 and other 2 nos are in pim4
4.All of a sudden they have come to out...
Dear all
We are using neax ips2000 system. some times we often found that some of the extension phones are dead having no dial tone. if we give ring to that particulars phones from other phone ..they use to get the ring and works as like as normal phones and there may not be any problem for...
Dear belevedere
in my console there is no mode lock out and release keys . it is dterm series i32 key console.. its having recall conf redial answer hold transfer speaker feature and mic buttons... could you pl advise me how to do that in mat works 32 programme
thanks and regards
Dear Mr.George
Very kind of you for your reply in detailed with regard to alarm set for station in Nec IPS 2000..
can we do that programme in mat works 32 instead of station( at instrument)? if so you may please advise me..
Thank you once again
Dear all
I would like to inform you that i want to do PHd on "Speech recognition techniques and their applications"
could you please inform me the latest topic on this subject please as for application submission is getting very nearer.. kindly help me in this regard
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