Hi -
I recently configured Lotus Notes to receive and send all my mail using my Gmail account (IMAP) and (SMTP). But when I send messages, it tends to be held in the Outgoing Mailbox for some reason. How can I send all of my mails just instantly without them being held?
This very bad in...
Or...??? Are they just refering to the only this Registry entry as below here??
Is that part or step refering to this only or does it mean EVERY SINGLE key that has the word DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS??
Please help.
Ok, question. One which the step indicates using the Registry as below:
Am I correct, that this step says that I have to find every single regisry key that had Documents and Settings and change every one of them to the new partition path???
This would take hours and hours...And is very very...
Ok, I read the whole article and now I seem to have understood it after reading it 100 times...
Also, since Im dual-booting Windows XP with Solaris, will this porcedure interfere with the Solaris booting process?
Thanks again for that article.
Well, thats exactly what I want to do after I move the Docs and Settings folder onto the extra partition and then removing it from the system partition.
Hi Folks,
Thanks for the fast replies but one that link, on Microsofts website, it explains on how to direct the whole profiles Documents and Settings using the UNATTENDED XP install.
I want to do this separately after a XP installation by first creating an exended partition and then moving the...
Is there any way to put the Documents and Settings from the System C Drive to my another extended partition and then deleting the one inside of the system partition?
At my work, they have it like this and when XP boots into the desktop, a DOS Command window pops up for like one second...
I had visited my financial banker and she was nice enough to print me a copy of this screen print-out (which does not contain any confendential info) on it.
But, I still confused regarding the xioc3270tn emulator as shown on the screenshot in the above...
I dont think so. Because have you read her email reply to me? She has a link within her browser or something...Can you explain this for me on how she open this xioc3270tn up on her Win2000 workstation?
I dont understand how the UNIX plays a roll on this when shes using Win2000...
Yesterday I went to my bank clerk and she had this TN3270 called the xioc3270tn on her Windows 2000 workstation. And at the bottom of the emulator it said: "CWS/230/zos"
I emailed her and asked her if how she had opened it up and she said she replied and wrote back this:
Yesterday I went to my bank clerk and she had this TN3270 called the xioc3270tn. And at the bottom of the emulator it said: "CWS/230/zos"
I emailed her and asked her if how she had opened it up and she said she has a link in her browser to open up that xioc3270tn emualtor on her Win2000...
Hello folks --
I went to my bank and my clerk had a Windows 2000 workstation. She brought or "connected" this terminal emulator from her Windows 2000 which I leaned over and I noticed at the top it said: xioc3270tn. And at the bottom of the emulator it said:
Now, can she be using...
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