Need help.
i need to extend a 9TB drive to a 20TB drive in Windows server 2008 R2.
In disk management, its always pop up cluster size issue.
Is there a way to change the cluster size without formatting?
i have no other disk space to backup 9TB data and re-create the drive to 8K cluster...
I added a group for delegate administration to domain.
i installed remote administration tools in windows 8.1 desktop.
users can access the active directory from the tools but some of the OUs shown unknown.
what kind of permission needed for the delegate administration group?
1. for...
Need help.
How to enable/disable server 2008 (in a domain) bitlocker together with windows 7 professional clients?
what are the PROs and CONs to enable bitlocker in a domain network?
Will bitlocker affect Arcserve D2D backup?
Please advise.
SC Moh
Hi Mltoombs,
Yes, the script is to send email to remind users to change their password.
i tested to run the script in the exchage (CAS) server without any issue.
the script cannot able to run it with task scheduler.
C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -command "...
Can one AD account have multiple mailboxes in Exchange 2010?
eg. one AD user in his department e-mail mailbox account (primary job scope) and having second work with another e-mail addresses. So account marcusb67 has the following e-mail addresses: marcusb67@domain_1.com (set as reply) and...
Hi ShackDaddy,
Thank you for your note.
Do you know the permission (security) for exchange server objects (exchange servers, exchange trusted subsystem, exchange domain servers, etc...) in active directory OU of server 2008?
Please advise.
with regards,
SC Moh
Hi Noway2,
Thank you on your note.
In the DMZ network, can i use one DNS server to resolve all DMZ hosts with public ip address (as the main DNS server and ISP as the secondary DNS server) and with the same DNS server to resolve all DMZ hosts with internal ip address ?
Please advise.
Hi ShackDaddy,
on 16 Aug, without changing any settings on the exchange servers or AD servers. i can create the user account/profile on user's computer without any issue.
Thank you for your time and help.
With regards,
SC Moh
I have 2 networks in internal network and dmz network.
Internal network have 2 DNS servers to resolve name in both internal, dms hosts and public sites, dms network only have a public dns to resolve name in dmz host with public host name with public ip address (no internal ip address)...
Hi ShackDaddy,
Thank you for your quick reply.
Hope i can restart the service tomorrow.
Do you know about the exchange security group permissions (default) assigned to Active Directory OU?
With regards,
SC Moh
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