I'm sorry but I do not understand:
"Things like the version of your software and whether this is a typed text field or you mean a database field or a formula, etc., would be useful to know so that we don't waste time."
This is what you asked for and I answered all of that in my last post. CR10...
Hi all. I have a long text field. If i want to show a certain word in RED when it finds it in this text field, is there a way to do this?
Sorry. I am using Crystal 10. It will not let me right click and insert a summary, that option isn't available. Almost like it doesn't see it as a number, but it does say it is a number if I try to do a SuM({field}) it gives error saying this field cannot be summarized.
I have a field that is a number and Crystal see's it as a number, but it will not let me summarize it, or count it or anything. I don't understand why? I have tried doing it with insert summary and through a formula, it just doesn't let me. Any suggestions?
Wanted to give you an in depth update. Thank you first of all for all the hard work you put into this. It was an awesome help. I was able to take it, and use it as a template, i had to convert it to basic script so I could make use of the formula= to evaluate each step and what it was...
Thank you so much, I will be working heavily on this Monday and I will let you know what happens. I appreciate all the work you put into this.
If I could get this output:
---jcgoode 20 hours
---mkoonce 144 hours
---kwlewis 57 hours
That would work, then I could add up all the hours across the varies tickets and get an average of the amount of time worked for the month. Unfortunetly the...
Would it be possible to use the first code Scott provided for splitting but do a step before that that splits it up per line first then puts each line into a separate array, then when you start to split, instead of pasing through the entire history file, you parse through each line that is in an...
I do NOT have write access to SQL only read. Someone that had done this report in the past just took the assigned feild in remedy and calculated that time with when it was opened. That is not even close to acurate since the assigned field ONLY gives the last person that was assigned and...
Let me give you a longer text file than that one. This is pulling from a Remedy ticket history field stored on SQL. We need to know every time the assigned person changes to another one and the date and time for that. The parts I need pulled out are bolded and in RED.
I know this is long but...
Scott, Great job. With some fine tuning , this looks like we can use it. One problem i am having though is, when you run it, it is getting an error saying:
"An Array's dimension must be an integer between 1 and
It is getting it from this line:
I'm sorry I put in before the text file what I need to pull out, I thought thats what you meant.
here is the expected output for everytime it changes:
Person assigned= epere5
Date/Time assigned= 1/21/2005 3:40:15 PM
The problem is I can split it up but the date and time fields are always...
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