I am trying to find out how a particular field for example 'tax1' is being calculated in report... I opened the package in FM 8 and try to use search button.. even after selecting the parent levels in all 3 combo boxes.. and providing the search string 'tax1'.. it did not came up with...
it is reportnet 8 .
not sure...what it shows on total line on report is just name of the object or does it have any meaning when it says $ in front of name?
I migrated some report from CRN7 to CRN8 and I have to do testing and make sure they have same results as before..
I ran them on both side in CRN7 and CRN8.. at a glance looks ok to me..
I can ran them with different parameters and compare.. manually... are there any utilities in CRN8 to...
I created date prompt using in_range..when ran.. on report is shows from date on upper side and to date below it..
is there a setting .. so I can see them side by side?
I migrated some reports to reportnet 8 and when I ran it .. I want all fields on my prompt page to be centered nicely..
I have used table 4x4 and date prompt and other prompts are all in one of the cells.. and I could center them using container button.. but still it is scattered across my...
I have to compare about 10 report in CRN7 and CRN8.
so, I ran them all with run options and asked the output to be saved in my folder, so I can compare them next day..
I see that before running the report, it reportnet shows me summary of parameters I specified.. the thing is it will be...
immediately upon setting the run option and upon running the report.. I got abov message and says..'the specified CGI application exceeded the allowed time for processing the server has deleted the process.
not sure.. what could be reason and solution?
I am comparing reports in CRN7 and CRN8. and want to make sure that they both point to same database. not sure how?
also, wish to make sure that before executing reports both versions in 7 and 8 has same isolation levels settings, I mean commited for both or uncommited for both etc...how...
I am modifying existing report and I see that total for one column says total($amountA) and another column says total(amountB).
can someone help?
in particular, when tried to remove QE-DEF-0459, 0030, 0359 errors, I have now
F-0149 The query specification is incorrect.
error and
F-0457 Referenced query 'PQR' is not defined or its query items contain unresolved references.
I do not seem to find PQR in data items?
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