Something weird about this problem is that in another project created in VS2002, the following line works just fine and is called in the pageload function too.
Me.btnRechercheOk.Attributes.Add("onclick", " = 'wait';")
Still investigating...
Here is the page_load function
Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal vSender As Object, ByVal vEvent As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
clsOutilsTrans.TracePerfoONLI("(TAL) LOAD Condition entree habitation", True)
If Not clsOutilsTrans.EstModePilotage Then
I'm building an application with VS2005 using Visual Basic .NET and I'm testing the code with IE.
I need the cursor to change when I click on a button until some process is completed(until postback)
It seems pretty straightfoward, but I probably have something wrong. Here is what...
I already tried it without success.
Is there a different way to assign a password to a variable? I've seen on some sites: "!password" which didn't work either.
Ok, here it is:
Option Explicit
' Variables.
Dim strCalendarURI ' As String
Dim reqDoc ' As Msxml2.DOMDocument
Dim resDoc ' As Msxml2.DOMDocument
Dim pi ' As IXMLDOMProcessingInstruction
Dim strPassword ' As...
I have a 440 login timeout when I try to logon the server using a vbscript. The passord is hardcoded like this:
strUserName = "bilbo"
strPassword = "hobbit"
is it ok?
When I log onto the server via a webbrowser there are no problems. The script was working fine until we changed the...
I'm presently working on a project that requires me to access an Exchange Server that has an expired certificate. Is there a way in vbscript to tell the server that I accept its certificate?
I found a way to get emails from an exchange server using vbscript, but I can't get the attachment by the same mean. Does anyone know how it can be done?
Any help will be appreciated :)
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