Customer is going to migrate from Avaya 630 server to a Virtual server. I am trying to see what is best practice to do this. How has anyone done this?
I was thinking of spinning up the New Virtual server with the current release on the 630. Which is 11.1.3. 2
Do a full backup from 7071 on the...
IP Office Server edition 12.000.56. This issue was occurring before being upgraded to 12.0.
When user has phone twinned and call is answered on the J159, the J159 continues to ring. They have conversation but, ringing continues after caller hangs up. Unplugging phone fixes it.
If phone is not...
I have seen this in the past with some versions of IPO. Depending on the version your running, you could be missing HTTP files. There are SOLs about it.
You could try to go to embedded file management and upload files. That would grab files from manager program and put them either on Server or...
Just wanted to follow up with Avaya's response. The Dell 630 is not supported.
With the new Rocky Linux, we had to install additional modules to ensure compatibility with these two servers. Furthermore, for IPO 12.1 the installation process was changed from BIOS mode to UEFI mode. The primary...
On some of our Virtual deployments we have had to remove the Lan 2 port. For some reason after reboot it would delete the default gateway and we could only access via console. 12.0 is garbage nothing but issues.
I am trying to find file kickstart fileDisk "mapper/rootvg-rootvol" given in ignordisk command does not exit. but can't locate it.
Anyone know what folder/file it is supposed to be in?
I have tried 4 system that are on 12.0 and I have not been able to configure the SFTP backup using VM Pro Client. 11.1 works fine.
Thinking it may be a bug or unknown change in security settings.
Has anyone else been able to get it to work?
Similar to what derfloh said
du -hsx /* | sort -rh | head -10 will list the 10 largest directories. Then you can drill down into those. An example drill into var directory
du -hsx /var/* | sort -rh | head -10.
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