I have a report in which, when I preview it, the group header repeats properly on second page. If I print to PDF, it looks fine with group headers on both pages, but if I print to printer, the second page loses the group header. It's not the printer as multiple users with different...
Thanks very much again for your help LB. It seems to have worked.
Just for my own education, can you explain a bit why that works as opposed to my original set up?
I have a report with a group header that I want to repeat on each page (Group 2a) - GH1 is suppressed.
I went to the Group Expert and indicated to repeat on each page.
But now when the group extends to a second page the summary I had on the group footer only sums the values for the second...
I think I may have figured out a different way. I pulled the same total that the subreport would yield by creating an SQL Expression. Now I may be able to use that instead of the shared variables.
I actually did try that at first, but was having trouble apply condition to say show if sub didn't
Good point. I was reducing another more complicated report to this one insteading of starting from scratch and that hadn't dawned on me..
I will try your suggestions. Thanks very much for your...
Well, I unintentionally may have misinformed you a bit. I was just trying to make it less complicated.
My section "details_a" contains details about a Part Number.
My section "details_b" is the one that contains the subreport connected to the parent part number and it also contains a vertical...
So there is no way that I can just go to the main "Details" in the Section Expert and apply a suppressing formula that will suppress all detail subsections based on a formula which includes the {@TotalWIP} formula?
The condition may become more complicated than just checking if less than 0.
The subreport is in "details a" section
Yes, there is a group in the main report
By "previous" section, I meant the previous details extracted in "details a"
I think I figured the cumulative summing problem by adding a formula in the subreport header to reset the variable
I am trying to copy the sum of a field from a subreport to the details section of the main report and then I am trying to hide all the details based on that value being <0.
In the subreport I added formula: @TotalWIP
shared numbervar x := x +...
I am trying to find out the ip address of a linked server that my predecessor created. The server is linked using OraOLEDB.Oracle provider. If I test the connection it is successful.
Currently there is a Server Name... but I can't figure out where it points to.
I tried to ping it through...
Hi LB,
Thanks for the quick reply.
Sorry, I meant I wanted to suppress the page header (or more specifically, fields in the Page Header).
I tried your suggestion, but it did not work for me.
Note: In the Report Footer, even though the numbering restarted and shows Page 1, it is still adding...
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