I am trying connect MS-Access 2007 database to Oracle SQL Developer.
I used the following in tnsnames.ora file:
alias =
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = myserver.mycompany.com)(PORT = 1521))
I have set up a form with two text boxes which feed the search words in a query.
The first text box is mandatory. The second text box is optional, it only appears if the user clicks on a check box in the form.
This is how it is supposed to work: The user will enter a single word or string of...
I was getting that error because the first field of the table was the primary key.
I used Me.Undo as you suggested. It works perfectly.
I tried Me.[boxName]= Null but I get an error saying that a value should be entered in the first field of the table.
Is there a refresh or reset option that can work in the place of Null or ""?
The clear command button will be mostly used as a undo option before the record is actually...
I have a form which has Text, Check and Combo Boxes which are connected to corresponding fields in a table.
I am trying to code a 'Clear' fields button to clear/delete contents of these boxes on the form (not table) if the user feels that the data entered was wrong or wanted to start over.
Thanks for your help PH but I forgot to mention in my initial question that I needed the simple query to return only the latest record based on the time and date not just the date.
I tried to use your solution with time but it returns all records for the date. To return only one record the...
I am trying to write a simple Access 2007 query that returns only the latest record based on the date from a table that contains name of person, date and time of contacting the person.
I have tried Max and Where <=Now() but even with these conditions running the query returns all the records in...
I am using Access 2007. The design view window always opens in the maximum size.
Is there a way I can change this default to open in a sizable form i.e. in the view with the min, max and close options showing on the top right corners?
Your formula is good and simple but it has a small problem.
When you try to use it for a number like 4.083 it results in 4 years 0 Months and 30 Days instead of 4 Years 1 Months 0 days.
Thanks for the suggestion anyway.
Looks like it is finally figured out
Cell A1: 6.196
Enforce 3 decimal places on cell A1 by using =FIXED(A1,3)[optional step]
=INT(A1)&" Years " & INT(((ROUND(((A1-INT(A1))*360),0))/360)*12)& " Months " & ROUND(MOD((ROUND(((A1-INT(A1))*360),0)),30),0) & " Days "
Result: 6 Years 2 Months 11...
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