I have been asked to move our current HP D6000 to another server.
We need to decomission our current HP D380 G7 and replace it with a G8. Do you know if it is possible to plug it into our G7 without losing any data?
Currently the it is using Mount Points from the D6000 on a raid5...
Hello Helpful people of the Internet
I have recently been given a task to change all our domain controllers to Windows 2012 core. This will be the first time I have done anything of this nature and my experience with DC's is limited at best. The actual process itself seems pretty straight...
Forgot to Add, the list I exported only contains extensions that have been created. It does not include ranges we have but are empty. For example if we have the 8200 range but have not created any extensions in the 8200 range. So the list I have might be missing entire ranges because the...
In a bit of a pickle :(
Is there a way to get a list of DDI number ranges? I have manage to export a full list of every number however this contains other extensions which are internal only. I need to get a list of DDI's for all sites/3300
Currently I am seeing internal only numbers, VM...
Hi Again,
Does anyone know where I can find the log files that indicate what numbers are being dialed by external people?
I have this ext which when dialed works fine, unless the full DDI number is dialed in which case it says "The number you have dialed is not recognised" in our providers...
Note sure about CMD but you can with Powershell which is present on all windows machines 7 and up
Get-Childitem c:\MyFile -Recurse | Write-Zip -IncludeEmptyDirectories -OutputPath C:\MyFile\test.zip
Recurse simply makes it copy sub folders/files etc.
Get-ChildItem gathers all the children of a...
Thanks KwbMitel
I have changed the hunt group 3060 so it is now "Voice" type with the Mode "Ternminal"
I have removed all Members. The problem now is it Says Out Of Service when Dialing 3060. How to I get the hunt group to forward to VM as you described?
The hunt group must be routed...
I think im getting a bit mixed up here. This is what I have done so far
1. Created a VM mailbox on ext 3060 on menu node
2. created a hunt group on 3060 - Type set to Voice, but I have trid Voicemail too
3. Added 4001 (this number directs to VM system)as a member on the 3060 hunt group
Right, so I managed to get it working however I am now faced with the Mitel VM voice saying "Welcome" message here and then gives the ability to leave a message.
How can I set it so it just reads out a recorded message and then hangs up?
Thanks again for eveyone's help. I have created a hunt group with the number I would the DDI number and set its "Type" to Voicemail. Is this correct?
Now do I simply create a VM with the same DDI in the VM Mailboxes form?
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