Yes! This is really AWESOME! I have been struggling with giving people admission stats without being able to segregate. Thanks so much!
Now I've got another question to make this more complex and I don't know if this is doable. By left joining tSaDisch dis on adm.AdmitNum = dis.AdmitNum to...
I am using SQL Svr 2005 and looking to get the first instance of an admit reqardless of how many may be out there for particular clients who meet my criteria.
Below is my query.
select distinct ac.ID, (dg.Last+ ' '+dg.First)as 'Client', min(adm.AdmitNum)MinNum,
We have a Win7 64bit machine, user not logged in as admin, trying to view Crystal Reports from .net application using Crytal Viewer v10.
Any suggestions on how to get the Active X installed and to play nicely with other applications?
Unfortunately your suggestions weren't working for me and I wasn't understanding how I was going to achieve the results I was looking for. A friend of mine did give me a solution and I'd like to share it with you in hope that I'm not offending anyone.
global numbervar FYMonth...
I changed the @month formula and now the display shows just Oct. I have Oct, Nov and Dec data (1stQtr) that should be displaying.
How do we get the rest of the months to follow?
Okay, I created @FY= "FY "+totext(year({}+92),"0000") and placed in the column of the cross-tab and then placed
monthname({@month},true) //"true" for 3-char monthname in the customized groupname formula but I can't save the formula because CRXI is complaining the {@Month} should be a...
Using CRXIr2 w/Access 2003 and have the following cross-tab:
Row @Empl (If {Enter_Issues.EmployeeID}=2 then 'Abc' else '?')
Column @Month(MonthName(DatePart("m"{Enter_Issues.BeginDate}))
Sum Field Enter_Issues.Total
I'd like to display the columns like our Fiscal Year starting with
Using CRXI w/SQL 2000
I've got a cross tab with the following Rows:
with a summarized field for Command.Payor_Amount
I would like to highlight bold and in red any Command.Paid_As that is not like '%ABW%' or '%Adult%' and likewise the...
Using SQL 2000
I've got a nested query that pulls the top 25 most expensive clients by treatment date where Provider is not included because a client can be at more than one Provider during the treatment time. When Provider is included, I only get the most expensive by Provider and not most...
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