Thanx to gbuaghma and Rick998
I switched off "real time protection" and donwloaded uTorrent V2.2.1
It installed instantly. Another W10 embuggerance beaten
My rant about w10 was not relevant to my prob. or this forum but it made me feel better !
I'll do a W10 critique in an appropriate forum...
If you're positive it's not infected, turn off "Real Time Protection" to install."
Done that, Still doesn't install.
Bizarrely when I hit the uTorrent install box I get a msg 'G5X. The device has either stopped responding or been disconnected' (G5X is my camera which is NOT connected) and, to...
I have a legacy edition of uTorrent installer on my PC which
I'm trying to run under Windows 10 but Defender blocks it.
I'm not convinced malware is the problem. It installed uTorrent
under Vista & this ran without problems for many years.
In Defender security centre =>Firewall and network...
Hi pjw001
Thanx for the reply.
I also cannot find "manage third party access" in my gmail account.
Perhaps google removed it cos users use it to frustrate google's
new security requirements (which I suspect are more to protect google
than users from the consequences of unauthorised mail...
On 30 May 22 Gmail stopped supporting mail clients which access with ID and PW only.
hpps://; &utm_medium=profile-less-secure-apps-card...
My take was that it's an email client issue so this seemed an appropriate forum. I'll happy to move to another but that's for the admins.
It's frustrating that Windows Mail seems to have no easy working means to restore backup msgs, .eml or .nws, so I guess I'll just have to burn time...
Not sure if my WM is v6 or 7. (thought it was v7 but Help uselessly states "microsoft windows. Version 6.0.6000 . . .)
I've done an OS and WM reinstall and in WM I create message accounts for email and newsgroups.
I can't get import to work so I close WM and copy the .eml from backup to WM...
On 3/12/15 I received a circ. mail+attachment purporting to be from someone I know who has a bad pregnancy. I held my breath and bugged the mail, praying it announced a successful birth. BIG MISTAKE !!. It contained a script which downloaded a ransomware exe which encrypted many thousands of...
I'm running Vistax64 Home Prem. with Windows Mail as the email client.
Prior to a system reinstall I exported my personal and newsgroups mail to a remote backup.
On reinstalling Windows Mail I imported the backedup personal mail/newsgroups.
Instead of placing the imported mail and...
Hi Mako
"You really need to start your own thread"
"I got it a month ago and didnt pay much attention to it, since MBAM didnt detect anything"
Antivirus s/w does not pick up everything and imo should not be relied on.
kjv advises a reinstall. This is the hairy chested solution ...
Quick Update
I'm got attachments working via the Insert/File Attachment menu.
This menu option worked after perusing all the tools options and fiddling with them, particularly the security options. Embarassingly I can't determine by reversing the changes, as I recall making them, which option...
Under Vistax64 I ran Winmail.exe 6.0.6001.18000 AND WAS HAPPY.
Then I upgraded to W7x64, which ships (MS allege) without an email client !.
But Taskman revealed a non functional copy of Winmail.exe (Version 6.1.7600.16385) running and a dir search revealed ~/Windows Mail/~
Forums told...
Hi kjv1611
"you have a recovery partition"
Yes, but the CD with my PC allowed a complete reinstall of Vista x64 which I've done. Thankfully the malware no longer wakes my PC from sleep in the early hours or "phones home". I'd liked to have done more investigating but not enought time.
Hi goombawaho
"reload windows "
Only in extremis, and I'm not sure I'm there yet . . .
The OS disk with my PC is ominously marked "External Recovery"
I believe it allows a fresh install but this is sure to be pain, f'instance cos. of driver issues.
OK. A quick rap up on this bug
Hi goombawahoo
"Since then I've had no browser redirections".
I spoke too soon.
My system was OK for 24 hours but Saturday 15:12 I got redirected again. Taskman revealed:
184416 ukcya.exe
MD5 : 5c6d1e89b22aaca6b02f78f5f9c2d1ea
SHA1 : d92833255626304b05f8a68302805c6fe6374463
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