looking for guidance on whether a Callegra v6.15 will work with a Nortel CS100 v4.5 as a voicemail system option. Looking to centralize the voicemail systems we have in operation to minimize operational expenses. This system will be at a central location where as the Nortel is at a remote site.
Actually, you can use an Ion modem. I just had one installed and it works. It’s an Ion SA5600. I’m using Remote Desktop on a Windows 10 device. Have not had an issue.
I have read from closed threads that one can remote into callpilot using the clan and PCAnywhere. is there an alternative to PCAnywhere? Can I use an ION Modem?
thread798-1128001: Remote Changes To CallPilot
I have read from closed threads that one can remote into callpilot using the clan and PCAnywhere. is there an alternative to PCAnywhere? Can I use an ION Modem?
I have received an error code that I cannot find in the system messages. The error code I got was RLC064 64 01 64. Never seen this one before. Anyone have a clue as to what it is?
I currently use a Windows XP desktop with internal modem. Trying replace it with a Windows 7 using a USB modem. Ive been able to connect using the xp machine to a us robotics modem at the switch end successfully. When I go to use the 7 laptop and USB modem, I connect but only receive a bunch of...
I have a callpilot ver and was asked to run a netstat on our callpilot server to capture what ports are open. found out it uses a number of ports that are not well known. anyone have an idea what these ports are and why are they used?
tcp callpilot : http
tcp callpilot : 1034
I have a couple of 75GB SLR tapes for back for my Call pilot. One of them has started to eject right after insertion. Could this be malfunctioning tape? Is there anything I can do to salvage this tape?
I have been getting Fiji007 errors during mids under LD 30 but only when CPU 0 is the active core. No issue with CPU 1. I've done a 360 test and stat ring in LD 39 but no issues. Any ideas?
TIM7243 01:00 21/6/2017 CPU 0
NWS LD30 BEGIN 01:00 21/6/2017...
Yeah I knew of the ICDA in CLS just wasn't sure if there was any steps to restrict CDR to just those sets with ICDA. I have a site that wants to just pull CDR on a group of numbers not all within the switch. They want to reduce the amount of admin time hunting down those DNs in a normal CDR capture.
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