does 95 have network neighborhood? and if not is there some other way that i could transfer files to this computer over my lan? this is an ancient laptop (133 mhz p1) and the cdrom doesn't work and I would like to transfer some things over to it. i haven't used 95 in so long, i'm lost.
thanks, i was just searching thru the knowledge base and found this (;en-us;Q316528 ) i'll give everything a try and hopefully it'll work
i just upgraded from 2k to xp and when i start up xp it says i have no paging file. so i went in to the virtual memory setup and it says my file size is 384-768. my other drive didn't have any set so i figured i might as well set it to be the same. rebooted, got the same error. i then set...
my friend is having a problem with this. i'm pretty sure hes using mx, but i'm not positive. heres the problem in his words:
this controls my sliding menu,
problem is it shifts the menu the opposite direction that i want. HELP!!!
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
Xpos = _root.slideMenu._x...
and actually, i just tried that line using a username other than "admin" as i had tried before. when i use "admin" it says "incorrect password." when i use another user name, it says "the user name you supplied is not valid"
i'm following some isntructions online and it told me to assign a username and a password to access a database i created by using the line:
GRANT ALL ON database.* TO user IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
at the mysql prompt. when i do this, i get this when i hit enter "Query OK, 0 rows...
i'm trying to install the linux 7.1 port package, and it defaults to installing to /compat. I would like it to install to /usr/compat. is there a way that I can change what directory it installs to when i do make install?
hehe my friend just realized that he needed to use crossover wire between the 2k box and the bsd box. hehe it works now. also, i forgot to mention that i like ur quote, being as how i failed calc 3 last semester and am taking it over again now.
completely forgot u said ipfw, today is not a good day...its actually my friend who is trying to get this server up. I'm 99% sure hes using ipfw, and its not linux, its freebsd
i'm trying to setup up my linux box to act as a router and connect my ms desktop to it. i want to run a ftp or webserver on my linux box and i've found some info about doing this. I've built my own kernel and i can send out a ping, but i can't recieve any packets back. people can view my...
i just had a thought, maybe its something that i've setup wrong. this is my first time building a comptuer from the ground up, but i have looked over the book sevveral times and checked all connections and checked the bios settings. I'm out of ideas.
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