Table A ( Year , period , A_Amount)
Table B ( Year , period , B_Amount)
Table C ( Year , period , C_Amount)
A INNERJOIN B on A.year =B.year and A.period =B.period
on C.year =A.year and C.period =A.period
Above query doesnt work
How can I get all records from 3 tables by joing them ?
I need to Insert TableB from TableA with the records that doesn’t exist in TableB
FROM TableB ))
Please help .. I am not able to work this out !
dv = New DataView(ds.Tables(0))
GridView1.DataSource = dv
Dim bIsGridEmpty As Boolean = True
For j As Integer = 0 To GridView1.Rows.Count - 1
If GridView1.Rows(j).Cells(0).Text <> String.Empty Then...
I have the SSIS package using the wizard on the Visual studio. It basically creates the table and import the data from another database.
How can I edit this package to do the following modifications?
1. I want it to skip the Create table part. I found a CREATE TABLE query and I just deleted...
oSelection = DirectCast(csheet.Rows("1:2"), Excel.Range)
How can I delete the first 2 rows in an excel worksheet?
Apprantly the above code does nothing .
Please help
How can I copy only the visible rows from one excel work book to another ?
Is there any property like visible range ?
Is it possible to do. Because I have multiple pivottables on an excel report where I have to hide the headers of certain pivottables . Now when I manually copy them to...
I need to show WTD, Previos WTD, MTD , Previos MTD ,YTD , Previos YTD all in one report
I have created the cube . But I I am not able to put everything on one report. I can create separate reports for each .
I am using SQL Reporting services.
Any ideas as how i should do this?
I have been able to use the pivot table in Excel and read data from a cube.However I need to be able to create my own MDX queries and
fire them up thru excel or and progarmatically populate the
pivot tables. How do I do this ? I know how to connect
to a cube and add to different...
This is going to be my first windows CE app and I am very excited on getting it done. I am very comfortable with Visual and I have decided to use VS 2005.
I want to know if can connect to an AS400 database from my handheld app.
I do see articles where you can connect to SQL server...
My code :
Dim vComment : vComment =request("hComment")
response.write "vIssue=" & vComment
<INPUT style="WIDTH: 547px; HEIGHT: 108px" name=S1 value ="<%=vComment%>"></INPUT >
*** end code***
Now, the INPUT textbox data looks like this
<i>ABCPerson, Sep 1 2006...
My existing ASP page current.asp has a <form> which uses post method to another ASP page called issue.asp.
I need to add another button which will post the same data to another page called feedback.asp from current.asp
How can I get this done?
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