Perfect! Another cool trick is to go the properties of the site and add a 2nd connection. This way you can run Gedi and Emulator at the same time, or Gedi and a Report, etc. Glad it worked out!
Do you use ASA to manage your system? You can use ASA to export your auth codes, then use the "Import" function to remove the entries.
Export your Auth codes and their CORs to a .txt file. Once you have your list, go to the Advanced tab (make sure you are not logged in to the system, but...
I found some good tips in other posts, and took some notes the last time I removed an LSP and Gateway. Hope this helps.
1) Turn TTI off
2) clear media-gateway programming
a.list config media-gateway x (see what’s programmed)
b. remove announcements (if any)
c. remove trunk
d. remove...
I think you can... especially if your users use something like Message Manager. I always change the Community ID in addition to the COS, this is my fail safe way of ensuring no one can forward a message to that subscriber.
I don't think you can pull the serial..... You should be able to get the "Sold To" number. That is usually good for most scenarios.
Log in and go to: Customer/Services Administration->Diagnostics->System Evaluation
Great report, helpful when shopping for maintenance or to plan an upgrade.
Log in to the emulator (Under Advanced) and use command "list trace station XXXXXXX" for your extension "XXXXXX" dial the number and see where the error is, or post the results. You should see a denial event that will indicate what is wrong.
Oh yeah. If you do have 2 locations, and you just want location 2 users to use the only trunk at location 2, then you just need an ARS entry with a new route pattern for that trunk.
Verify that you really do have multiple locations in your PBX by using the command "display locations" If there is, the ARS should be defined for the dialed entries. Try using "list ars analysis location 2" to see ALL ARS rules for external dialing.
Now that you want to use a partition for a...
wow, must have been influenced last night. I think the issue is that the system knows the calls did not originate on it and do not alert the attendant. We had the same problem with a CUCM that used the Avaya PSTN access. We never did get it fixed, all we found was 3rd party solutions.
Do you have different locations (media gateways with trunks)? If all the users are on the same location, you can use partitions as follows:
Dialed Number: 9 001 (any number that starts with 001)
Command: list ars analysis
Arvindsunny, hello again. Are you able to use partitions? You can assign the new COR a different time schedule (partition number) and then create a partion-route to specify what route pattern is used for the different partions. You then create mirror routes (different numbers) and assign the...
The feature you are looking for is Crissis Alert. You need to set the 911 entry in the ARS entry to alrt and assign the crss-alert button to the phones. I don't remember all the settings needed, but you should be able to search the forums here. Let me know, I can verify the settings we use...
Do you get any system alarms or errors for that DS1? I would check the alarms and look for cleared alarms and errors for that day, also list meas ds1 XXXX. If the DS1 is taking errors, its probably a carrier issue. It could be a bad card, cable, CSU/DSU, etc, but the errors will dictate where...
Run35atm, PuTTY should work just fine in Audix. You can even use windows cmd if you want. In PuTTY set the keyboard to VT100+ like you/corner9 did and then choose 4410 as the Emulator or AT386 (AT386 works better in cmd). Then use your "F" keys to navigate around. F1 = Cancel F2 = Refresh F3...
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