Thank you 3racefan3 and DoubleDriveLine,
I eventually remembered that to send message waiting to a different extension all you have to do is enter that extension in the notification tab. However, I'm still not sure if I can make one voicemail box the owner of two or more extensions. On the...
Hi All,
It's been years since I've worked on a UM8000 voicemail with a SV9300. I have a main desk phone (47520) with their main line appearance one it (47835) and I'm looking for a way to notify the them whenever they get a new voicemail. If the voicemail box is setup for their main line...
Good Morning DoubleDriveLine,
That part definitely works, however, the problem I'm have is that callers use a different number to access the ACD. This department has a main line that I'm now sending to a Call Tree but they also have a separate number for an ACD that's used by a smaller group...
Good Morning,
(ACD's are not my strength [smile])
Is it possible for agents who work in multiple queues to identify which queue the caller is coming from so they know exactly how to answer the call?
Thank you,
OpenScape 4000 V7 R2
Good Morning,
(SV9500 and UM8700)
I was asked to build a new Call Tree using a departments main line. After the fact I was told they also have an ACD that uses a different phone number. Is there a way, without tearing down and rebuilding their ACD, to send the DID for their ACD straight to...
We have a NI2 connection between our 4K V7 and corporate s Cisco CUCM 12.5. Corporate accidentally ported our Main Line to their AT&T SIP. Calls still reached our Operator through the NI2 connection however, when the Operator tries to transfer a caller back through the NI2 connection to one of...
Good Morning,
I work at a hospital that now has some Cisco phones along with our majority of Siemens phones (Openscape 4K V7). We have 4 digit dialing setup between the two systems through route 116. I've been asked to make overhead paging work from our Cisco phones and I need a little help...
That is what i'm saying I do not know the "step by step" process for building, or removing, ACD's. I use Assistant and Comwin daily for moves, adds, changes, and maintenance. However, I was never taught anything at all about Siemens ACD's and now I'm really struggling to remove ACD phones...
Because the cuts I’m doing range from 50 to 150 phones and most of them have two or more extensions. I only listed the one extension here as an example of my process.
I’m actually a NEC Tech who was asked to do MAC support only for this site and all their doctors practices. I’d never even...
Good Morning adiby,
The problem I'm having is deleting ACD phones that I need to point to Cisco. We are moving a couple small doctors offices to Cisco. On cut day I run a small macro (example below) that deletes their Siemens phones and routes those extension to Cisco. When running my macro...
Good Morning,
Can someone please guide me through the correct way of tearing down an ACD? I have a doctors office that's being converted to Cisco and I'm stuck tearing down a couple Agent phones. I know how to tear down our non-ACD phones and point them to Cisco however, I'm unable to do the...
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