In the string you participated in on 26 mar above, you mentioned that the SQL logon had been taken care of. I ma new to crystal reports 8.5 as well as visual basic 6. I have developed the report, and imported it into VB. my problem is 'Server has not yet been opened' when I run from VB. Do...
I developed a Crystal Report 8.5 that utilizes parameters. I then created a VB 6 application to call up the report and under the project menu imported the report with 'Add Crystal Report 8.5'. Everything was fine until I saved the project. Having saved the project, I ran the VB application...
The Main Report details information of costs per item. The subreports included on the last page detail only the grouped levels. For example
Item Application1 CostDetail CostDetail .......
Item Application1 CostDetail CostDetail .......
Item Application1 CostDetail CostDetail .......
I have a main report that is grouped. On the last page of this report, Two (2) subreports need to be aligned Horizontally. The First is simply a sumation of the original report. The second (the problem) is also a sumation but catagorized differently. I am getting the correct totals on both...
Initially, I must admit that I am quite new (2 months) to the use of Crystal. But I have several fields that are accmulating values for each detail line within a group. (one of the four fields in the group that I created) When the group changes, the lines that have been suppressed still...
I have a problem with repeating detail lines. I have tried creating a group and then comparing the group to the previous group. When equal it seems to eliminate the second detail line from printing. But it seems to retain the values and amounts and continues to add them into the total. The...
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