Thanks all for the information on running DB3+ on Windows 7. I now realize that it was the 64bit version of Windows 7 that was causing the problem. I was hoping to avoid the XP mode running on a virtual machine but I am stuck with that solution unless I want to downgrade from 64bit to 32 bit...
Believe it or not I am still using dBase III Plus at the dot prompt (.) to manipulate DBF files that I create by converting data from an excel spreadsheet to the DBF format. I will never give up my DOT prompt willingly but if my machine crashes and I have to get a Windows 7 computer I will be...
Thanks for your suggested alternative. I was able to find the original afreecon on the hard disk that crashed however it does not recognize me as having a registered copy so it makes it less useful, however I can put up with the nagging screen. The owner of the utility is no longer offering a...
I had a copy of afreecon.exe running on my computer that gave me a remote console to my Netware 5 server but my computer crased and I
can't find the install files for the afreecon anymore on the web. Does anyone have the files that I need to install this on my workstation?
Apparently AdRem does...
I need a copy of whohasit that I can register and run on my system to check to see who has a file open on my 5.1 netware server and at the same time clear that person's connection. I have a copy of whohasit but do not have a registered version.
I have a piece of code that is looking for the function fbrowse. Does anyone inow what library this function is contained in. I have used it before but don't remember where it comes from. Whether it is a part of the Clipper built in functions or not.
Everything rounds exactly as I wanted with one exception. I tested every number from 1.100 to 1.9999 and they all rounded to 2 which is exactly what I wanted. The only number that does not round properly is 1.000. That rounds to 2 and of course I want it to stay at 1. But I can deal with that...
Thanks, that works certainly with the example I gave you and I assume it would work with numbers that come out differently such as 1.75 which would also round to 2 even after adding the .5. I am wondering if there is any figure that would not give the desired result. I guess I need to do some...
when I try to compile and a link a program that has A CALL to the BLICPUREL() function it gives an error "function not found" or something like that. I know there is a way to do this because I have done it before but have forgotten how.
Thanks everyone for all their comments so far.
We must run brequest because our Clipper application reads and writes data to our accounting software whose datafiles are btrieve data files. We also run Advantage Database Server for our clipper databases and that cuts down on corruption...
Modules using memory below 1 MB:
Name Total Conventional Upper Memory
-------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
SYSTEM 24,080 (24K) 10,624 (10K) 13,456 (13K)
I get this error when running a Clipper 5.2e application on a Windows 98 machine:
Unrecoverable error 5302 Conventional Memory Exhausted
I do not get this error when running it on a Windows 2000 or Windows XP. I have the following statement in the autoexec.bat file on the win98 machine:
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