I built a small payroll/time program in Access 2000, for a friend. We loaded it onto his laptop and the Database will open, but as soon a the first charachter is typed on any form, or a menu item is selected from the Access toolbars the Access crashes - leaving the idb lock-file. Anyone have...
Try an Access forum, or a forum for which ever database you're thinking of using to find out how to link the outlook form- unfortunately I still can't help you with the otherstuff.
I will admit that I would hae been more impressed with a more windows oriented program. Shortly after I began working with him he explained simply that the program he was building this in couldn't create the appearance I was looking for. It was hard- but I accepted that!:)
The attendance...
His response- he can't upgrade, or can't yet - I'm not sure why, but it's been brought up. As far as my company's lack of involvement, my old managers hired the man, one of which I had to show how to forward E-mail (from Outlook) 3 times in a single day. Trying to explain this to them was more...
If only I had access (and was being to paid :) ) to work in the FoxPro environment for this program! I'm new to the Company so they don't like it when I make software requests just yet- (I'm in HR)
I have never taken any programing courses, but I've been working quite a bit in Access. I don't...
Hi all,
I've been working with a programmer that my company hired to build an attendance program in FoxPro 2.6 before I started working there. I personally am most familiar with MS Access and I know FoxPro is quite different. Thing is I've been working with this guy since September and he...
Well, I kinda followed your advice. I changed the periods number to a Period start date. I based all the time used/available calculations for all records whose period Start date = MaxofFMLA Period Start. Works great, but I don't know how to write the code for checking the period start date...
I'm working on a database to start tracking my Company's employees Sick Leaves & FMLA's.
I have a "Leaves" table with Employee Numbers, Start Date End Date, Type & FMLA Period. No primary key, and have not entered the FMLA Period for each entry- only the very first for each employee...
That sounds like an idea-I'll try it.
By the way the tip about using """ instead of "'", it's not producing an error, but it's not pulling the LetterID or Notes into the form. Any other ideas?
Thanks for clearing that up Rick. I had assumed that Access was reading it as an expression (although I still don't understand the results it gave me). When I had added the # signs in previous attempts, I simply saved and switched to form view to view the results. Turns out all I had to do was...
I have a main form which allows the user to enter and change parameters in queries which will populate tables in the database. For the majority of it's uses we use the same date range. When I try to set the default values dor the text box to these dates it returns a completely different date...
Hi again Rick or whoever else may be able to help.
The calendar Rick helped me create works great except for 2 things.
1. One of the employees has an apostrophy in their last name, this is causing an error in the code when selecting his name. How can I fix this.
2. When I try to print the...
Are you still trying to Drag & Drop? We experimented a bit with some FLASH images and those worked- can you give me a better idea of what you're working with. But drag & Drop always gave an icon. How exactly are you trying to do this? What's the filepath for the image, Have you tried to...
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