windows 2000 small business server get on the internet no problem
this is my ipconfig/all results from server:
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>ipconfig/all
Windows 2000 IP Configuration
Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : vgroveserver
Primary DNS Suffix . . . . . . . ...
have Microsoft Small Business Server 2000.
xp and 98 clients can't get internet
on xp client..."applying your Personal settings" show when you log in for a painfully long time.
clients are dhcp off of the server.
2000 server had dns server configured to have ISP dns address in the Forwarders...
When I log on for the Windows 2000 servers from my two new XP Pro pcs a window shows "applying your personal settings" for a long time, then goes away.
I have windows 2000 / xp pro / win98 / router in my system.
I believe the router is providing DHCP to the network accept the server. I've...
Tom Watson was right on the money.
THANKS TOM!!!!!!!!
below is the final code I used in case anyone else is wondering about this:
Private Sub Print_Doulbe_Copy_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Print_Doulbe_Copy_Click
Dim stDocName As String
Dim stWhere As String
stWhere =...
I have an Exchange 5.5 server.
We only have dial up internet.
We don't want to be permanently logged on.
Can I force Exchange to dial up and pop my mail?
I can figure out the dial up part....I just need to know how to setup the exchange server to pop the mail from my domain.
Dennis DenBesten...
I can't use the Exchange Admin utility unless I am logged in with the exchange administrator account from a workstation. Is there a way to add my user account in as another administrator of the Exchange Server?
All I did was in "Routing Restrictions" I checked "Hosts and clients with these IP adresses" and left everything else unchecked and blank. This stopped spam for me.
Incidentally, I turned it back on when I was trying to troubleshoot why I couldn't email directly from my...
I would like to find out how to limit one of my Exchange 5.5 users to only internal emailing. Currently all of my exchange users can email internal and external.
(I have a naughty user who emails all day long to friends)
Cannot browse Internet when dialed in to NT4 RAS server from Win2k laptop. Win95 laptop can browse the internet no problem when dial in to NT4 RAS server when same user is logged in. We have a Microsoft Proxy server and a Linux firewall.
The Win2k laptop can ping internet addresses and web...
I have Exchange Server 5.5 SP4 running on a PDC and I don't want to change that config at all.
I am installing NT4 Server on another PC so that I can install OWA on it and I don't know what kind of NT4 Server it should be.
Stand Alone??
Does anyone know???
Daniel, I've had wierd problems a few times with particular users and have found that if I delete their account and re-create it the problem goes away. Of course if the user has lots of data it's a bit of a pain to store the data else where and put the data back in once you've rebuilt their...
OK, this might be a lame attempt but have you checked the disk space on the Exchange server itself? I imagine if it's getting really low (< 200 Meg) you are probably experiencing other problems as well but take a look anyway.
What do your Event viewer logs say? You might find some clues in...
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