The "init is respawning too rapidly" indicates that the inittab looks for the process - finds that it is not running - and tries to respawn it. It is happening so fast that inittab thinks there is a problem - and reports it as the above error. Something is still wrong. It looks to me like the...
If your system is mirrored - I would recommend breaking the mirror - creating the jfs2 - then copying the data to the new jfs2 file system - blowing away the old jfs and then remirroring. Backing up to tape can be a source of failure for a number of reasons. I always want to work from the...
However - changing this factor - the t factor will result in a larger pp size. That may effect your distribution of data on the disks. For instance - if you are using the intra-policy of maximum - and you have files smaller than 64 mbs - they will be on only 1 disk. I suspect that the person...
I am not sure this is a problem. AIX will apportion the cpu based on the workload. If you only have a couple of jobs - those jobs will get the cpu time.
I use ps auxw|pg to look at the processes using the most cpu - and ps auxw|sort -k5rn|pg to find the processes using the most memory - then investigate those processes. note the flags do not have the (-) sign on the flags.
I personally would not trust it. If I had enough space - I would create a backup copy of the file system - blow away the old - recreate it - and then restore from the backup. That will make everything contiguouse again.
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