I have used the listing in Code References as a quick way to get to areas of my project which I have checked before - most useful - and you can re-search when needed too.
I have successfully recovered my long list from my backup folder.
Hi Chriss,
I have now got my 'opening' of foxy in one prg. Today I got a 'Too Many Variables' error for some reason so I upped my MV= setting in config.fpw
So now I have all three areas where foxy reports are generated working. I have removed the option to use standard vfp reports so all users...
Many thanks - domestic issues needed my attention.
I have modified my code with one prg doing the foxy work. It is called in just 3 areas in my app.
till 2 places it works and once not. I now understand the 'meaning' of the U and O instances and will further chase they instances.
I have read the previous posts re Foxypreviewer but I can't solve my problem.
I use Foxy 3 times in my app - 2 work 1 does not.
It all depends on the result of Vartype(_Screen.oFoxyPreviewer)
This requires a value of NOT O - in my case I see the 2 working reports have a value of U whereas the...
In a previous thread I posted this picture showing the effect of my graph on my Notebook. I had experimented with some labels on the axis and now I don't know how to remove them.
Using MSChart property options - Text I can't seem to delete the label Person,Event etc. Where are they stored...
It was a prg file.I opened the backup file to check it's currency and recompiled then created the new exe. Ran the relevant section using the uncorrupted file.
Thanks Gents,
I have solved the problem and created and run a new exe file from my project <VBG>
I used procmon from sysinternals to watch what was happening with vfp9.exe when I use the Build button. Sure enough it showed me a 'Corrupted File'
After a chkdsk /r I was able to delete the...
Further to thread184-1228236 and thread184-1830162 I have suffered a corrupted pjx file for my project. I now find that thebackup I did to another drive also contains the corruption.
So I went back to Mike's suggestion of creating a new project file running vfp from program files. I then CD to...
My original post ( idea ) came to me as we were researching my SET DEFA problem - I ran the Option in PathWiz to investigate appdata, found it not there and wondered if I could modify the tree code to get it. That's where it all took off. So when a thread with more code was posted I...
Thankyou Chriss
I hadn't realised the depth of the problem when I first asked the question and then I tried the code as I showed..
I shall look further into this out of interest in what you have shown.
Overwhelmingly the TMG community worldwide have been encouraged to use the last version released in 2014 - that's Ver 9.04. Production of the software has finished with the author pulling the plug and taking up other pursuits. Genealogists who use TMG believe it to be the best s/w for...
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