When I create a document in word, I want the reader not to change any formating in the document. So, when someone opens the document, I would like a prompt to pop up saying: "Please do not alter formatting in any way" with Agree/Disagree buttons.
If the reader clicks on Agree, he/she gets to...
Thanks nonguru,
I kind of figured that out. But the problem is when I use the created template, if I hit enter at any time, the new paragraph automatically goes to the default font.
So, I am not totally impressed with this stationery business.
I followed instructions on one of the websites, where, I opened a blank email, made the necessary changes to fonts etc., and saved it as stationery.
The question is, how do I now use this template (stationery) that I created, as the default stationery in my Lotus Notes V8.5? I can't seem to...
I am using Lotus Notes v8.5.
The was a snippet of VBA for preventing Outlook from sending out an email, if the subject line is blank.
Is there something similar available for Lotus Notes?
I am using Lotus Notes 8.5, not because I want to, but because I have to.
I see that whenever I try to attach a file, it zips the file by default. Which means every time I have to un-check the zip check-box attachment dialogue.
Is there a work around so that the zip check box remains...
I have a Javascript Referrer Check Script that I copied and pasted:
/*Referrer Checker- By Website Abstraction
(www.wsabstract.com) Over 200+ free JavaScripts here!
//specify valid referrals for script to accept
//if you wish an entire domain...
That would have been the way to go. But I have disabled system restore on my computer, under advice from my IT Guy.
Anyway, I have increased the number of rings to 40, so now the fax does not cut in automatically.
As of this morning, whenever the phone rings, the Fax console kicks in automatically and tries to answer the call. So now, I have to switch off the computer to answer a simple phone call. It never happened before.
Is there any way of disabling this from happening?
I have done a keyword search...
Linking images will not be a good idea in my case, because sometimes I have to email the documents.
OK, so what I understand is that there is no simple way to do it, by tweaking the options or introducing a VB Script etc.
Thanks for your inputs.
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