I am trying to make an internal conference call in BCM400 or BCM50, but didnt success. As per the nortal feature guide, I make the first call, then hold the first call. Then trying to make the second call. at this point it displays "Select a line" and denies. As i am trying to conference...
It is solved! I removed all 250 target lines' 3 digit previously auto added public received numbers manually. Then added my prefered 4 digit numbers one by one! this time they accepted!
Now I have both public and priv recvd numbers are same numbers. Thanks a lot for all.
I checked in the Application DNs, there are few DNs, none of them are similar to which i am trying to enter in the public rcvd number
The software release is:
The last update was, BCM4.0 March 2009 R400 Smart Update (Ver 1.0-1.1)
How can i find the conflicting destination code? Other...
norstarboy and telcodog,
Yes, it allows me to add certain numbers starts or includes 1. What are the B2 DNs, and where can i change them? Also, Where can I see the application DNs used by voicemail channels?
It seems these area could be the culprit, i would like to sniff around it. Thanks for...
under public recvd length, I already set 4. Now, I want to set . 1278, it does not allow me it allows 1381, 1382 etc. here the first digit is 1!.
My sip trunk is just sending 4 digits only,
Anything else that I should check?
All the public rcvd numbers are currently shown as 3 digit. I changed the public received length to 4 in the last week only. It means no any 4 digit numbers are already assigned to public. At this point, i change the Public received to 1278, for example; it says "Error, 1278 not a valid Pub...
In the BCM 400, under the target line, it does not allow me to put Public received number as my Private received number. What I need to do is, For the DN 1278, both the private and public received should be 1278. Private rcvd is already 1278.
I can put something like 1382. it accepts. What...
When i insert 1248 for the public received(for example) in the target line 265, it accepts. When i put 1248 in another target line (say 266), it says it is not a valid public received! i dont know what is the issue.
I have a static route in my ASA firewall as below:
static (dmz,inside) 64.xxx.xxx.xxx 172.xxx.xxx.xxx netmask
Note: 64.x.x.x is public ip and 172.x.x.x is the internal server
Now, i have another public IP, which i need to point to same internal server. I gave the the new...
Support dude, thanks for your input.
Now I can call from the Lync clients to the BCM phones, but only after changing the public received number to something different than my private received number. My private receved number is the DN number, it doesnt accept me to put the same number in public...
COmpleted the above configuraton, but i cannot dial to the BCM extension from the lync client. In the BCM monitor, i see the VOIP line i initiating the incoming call but disconnects. what should be done to get the internal calling completed?
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