I am having a lot of trouble setting up QuarkXpress Print Set Up defaults to remain at A3 etc. It keeps defaulting to ‘Custom’.
I am running W2K Professional, Quark v4.1 and printing to 2 HP Laserjet printers, HP Laserjet 5000N for b/w and HP ColorLaserjet 8500N Color - HP ColorLaserjet...
In the Quark print set up try changing the Options>Pictures>Data option to 'Clean 8-bit'. The default seems to be 'Binary'
I had a similar problem with a HP laserjet 5000n that previously printed no problem from a MAC but changing to W2K gave me a problem. The above change sorted out my problem.
I know this is 3 years out of date at this stage but I have just come across (Feb'04) the same problem printing to the HP Laserjet 5000N from Quark on W2K.
Up to this we had been printing to the same HP Laserjet 5000N from a MAC with no problems.
After much hair pulling I discovered in the...
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