Hi all,
I would like to know if *finally* Microsoft has allowed customization (real customization--not letting you put a fancy picture in the file explorer) of the Windows Explorer and the File Save/Open/Insert/Attach, etc. dialog boxes.
The crux is primarily the Dialog boxes for because they usually open up so small, and they *always* seem to open up in "large icon" mode, where I see maybe two files and a stupid, useless icon that doesn't tell me anything about the file.
What I want is for it to *always* default to "Details" mode where I can see more files, and further, I Never, Ever, EVER want to see the "Type" column because it is possibly the most meaningless thing in all of windows (anyone who knows anything about the registry and file extensions knows what I mean). And the Type column *always* shows when I switch to details mode (even though I remove it by right-clicking and un-checking it and doing "Apply to all folders" in the Folder Options).
I would like for every folder's default (yes Microsoft--even folders with jpegs because maybe I want to look at the files and their dates and sizes and not the thumbnails pictures) to show the Name, DateModified, and Size. And for some folders, I might want to add some other columns.
I'm surprised that when you open a folder with .mp3's that Microsoft doesn't just start blaring a few seconds of each song at full volume when you open the folder and not stop the madness until you close the folder.
Sorry for the rant, but is this at all possible--maybe through a registry hack or something? I've tried the Tools-->Folder Options-->View-->Apply to all Folders and that never lasts--somehow whenever I open up a folder with the word "perfume" existing anywhere in one of the text files it starts spraying perfume out of the monitor at me.
I would like to know if *finally* Microsoft has allowed customization (real customization--not letting you put a fancy picture in the file explorer) of the Windows Explorer and the File Save/Open/Insert/Attach, etc. dialog boxes.
The crux is primarily the Dialog boxes for because they usually open up so small, and they *always* seem to open up in "large icon" mode, where I see maybe two files and a stupid, useless icon that doesn't tell me anything about the file.
What I want is for it to *always* default to "Details" mode where I can see more files, and further, I Never, Ever, EVER want to see the "Type" column because it is possibly the most meaningless thing in all of windows (anyone who knows anything about the registry and file extensions knows what I mean). And the Type column *always* shows when I switch to details mode (even though I remove it by right-clicking and un-checking it and doing "Apply to all folders" in the Folder Options).
I would like for every folder's default (yes Microsoft--even folders with jpegs because maybe I want to look at the files and their dates and sizes and not the thumbnails pictures) to show the Name, DateModified, and Size. And for some folders, I might want to add some other columns.
I'm surprised that when you open a folder with .mp3's that Microsoft doesn't just start blaring a few seconds of each song at full volume when you open the folder and not stop the madness until you close the folder.
Sorry for the rant, but is this at all possible--maybe through a registry hack or something? I've tried the Tools-->Folder Options-->View-->Apply to all Folders and that never lasts--somehow whenever I open up a folder with the word "perfume" existing anywhere in one of the text files it starts spraying perfume out of the monitor at me.