Hello, I am trying to put a data matrix on a label and I am having trouble putting in multiple pieces of information into 1 matrix. I am able to recall one '^FN#' or 1 '^FDxxx' ,here is the line of code I need to add to:
^FO20,40 ^BXN,3,200,48,48 ^FN1 ^FS
In addition to the '^FN1' data I need to add an '^FN2' and an 'FDxxx' data field, is there any advice some could help me with?
^FO20,40 ^BXN,3,200,48,48 ^FN1 ^FS
In addition to the '^FN1' data I need to add an '^FN2' and an 'FDxxx' data field, is there any advice some could help me with?