hi there, does anyone know how to create a zoom-in effect to a special area using an actionscript to do it?
i would like to trigger the effect in time (not from a button but from a certain time in my movie)
when u say "a zoom-in effect to a special area" you do mean this area is a movie clip, not just a part of the stage, right? coz if its not then i suggest you make that into a movie clip, then make a 12 frame blank movie that could control the zoom effect of the movie you want to zoom. I said 12 frames for this movie clip coz typically you would use 12 fps in you movie and this would sync with you timing.
to do the zoom effect use the _xscale and _yscale properties of movie clips.
thanks for answering Bignewbie >> i learnt already one good thing with u ( can not zoom in stage but mc) & u get a star for that. Now I'm still a bit confused cause i am not great with actionscripts cause I am more a designer..
Any chance you could show me a full script that would work for that? then i can learn from it and experiment with it
thanx so much
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