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I have a Windows XP and Windows 98 S.E. connected at home thru a Linksys router and use ZoneAlarm Pro, the most recent version.
I tried everything I could to share folders on one PC with the other, and sometimes it worked, sometimes not.
After months of searching and trouble-shooting, it finally hit me last night to check ZoneAlarms log files. Sure enough, I saw where the ip's for my two computers were being blocked!
All I had to do was to add the IP's (ZoneAlarm assigned them for me) to the trusted ZOnes, and now I can share files to my heart's content!
Just thought this might help others!
I tried everything I could to share folders on one PC with the other, and sometimes it worked, sometimes not.
After months of searching and trouble-shooting, it finally hit me last night to check ZoneAlarms log files. Sure enough, I saw where the ip's for my two computers were being blocked!
All I had to do was to add the IP's (ZoneAlarm assigned them for me) to the trusted ZOnes, and now I can share files to my heart's content!
Just thought this might help others!