I could not find any documentation on pwzip/pwunzip, other than what I have gleaned in the past from the source to the host script (how to create and extract archives). I couldn't find any information on who Datastorm originally licensed the zip functionality from (wasn't even present in version 4.7), but I think it was Dynazip. You might try a Google search on that and see if you find anything that looks applicable.
I use Robo-FTP to pgpencrypt multiple files. They have a scripting language that's similar to aspect and it allows you to specify a password when you zip files. I actually use aspect to start the program and run the script.
set aspect keys on
winminimize $PWMAINWIN
run "C:\Program Files\Robo-FTP\Robo-FTP.exe" ;start Robo application
pause 10
sendkey ALT 'F' ;File
pause 2
sendkey 'O' ;Open
pause 2
sendkeystr "test.s" ;filename
pause 2
sendvkey 0x0D ;Send Enter key
pause 40 ;wait for pgp script to complete
sendkey ALT 'F' ;file
pause 2
sendkey 'F'
pause 2
sendkey 'X' ;exit
pause 10
winmaximize $PWMAINWIN ;bring ProComm to the forefront
pause 5
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