I'm having some issues finding good documentation on upgrading ZENworks 7 for Desktop Management.
We are currently running ZENworks 7DM on a NetWare 6.5 server. The reason that I am looking to upgrade is I am having some problems imaging some workstations. I followed the instructions from TID#5004761, and it recommends an upgrade. I was able to use the Live Boot CD to successfully image machines that were previously erroring out, so I confirmed that it does fix my issue. However I'm not sure how to go about upgrading.
I downloaded the Service Pack 1 for ZEN, but like stated above I'm not sure how to install. It comes with a Windows installer package, but is it as simple as running the executable?
Can someone please point me in the right direction for upgrading my ZENworks? Thank you in advance.
We are currently running ZENworks 7DM on a NetWare 6.5 server. The reason that I am looking to upgrade is I am having some problems imaging some workstations. I followed the instructions from TID#5004761, and it recommends an upgrade. I was able to use the Live Boot CD to successfully image machines that were previously erroring out, so I confirmed that it does fix my issue. However I'm not sure how to go about upgrading.
I downloaded the Service Pack 1 for ZEN, but like stated above I'm not sure how to install. It comes with a Windows installer package, but is it as simple as running the executable?
Can someone please point me in the right direction for upgrading my ZENworks? Thank you in advance.