In an environment using Zenworks 4 with Dynamic Local User enabled, I was unable to deploy published applications. The users would open a desktop instead.
This can be caused by incorrect settings in several locations. First, the Inherit Client Config box must be selected in Citrix Connection Configuration, ICA settings, advanced, Initial Program. Second, Seamless Window must be selected in the ICA client. Thirdly, in the local user account on the Windows box, on the User Environment tab the checkbox for Start the following program at logon must NOT be checked.
When using DLU the local accounts WILL be created with that box checked unless you set a group policy for that user with the property under User Configuration\Administrative Templates\System\Logon/Logoff\Run These Programs At User Logon is set to DISABLE.
I hope this post is helpful. Citrix + NetWare + ZenWorks can be a frustrating environment if you are not intimately familiar with all three products.
This can be caused by incorrect settings in several locations. First, the Inherit Client Config box must be selected in Citrix Connection Configuration, ICA settings, advanced, Initial Program. Second, Seamless Window must be selected in the ICA client. Thirdly, in the local user account on the Windows box, on the User Environment tab the checkbox for Start the following program at logon must NOT be checked.
When using DLU the local accounts WILL be created with that box checked unless you set a group policy for that user with the property under User Configuration\Administrative Templates\System\Logon/Logoff\Run These Programs At User Logon is set to DISABLE.
I hope this post is helpful. Citrix + NetWare + ZenWorks can be a frustrating environment if you are not intimately familiar with all three products.