Hi all,
I’m Reposting this from as I think I originally posted in the wrong forum (General database discussion)
I work for a firm that has some 500 users of which some 50 use a database that I developed, concurrent usage is somewhere around the 30 mark.
Previously we’ve all had full access rights to the local ‘C’ drive. However, recently a new IT Manager took up post and he’s removed all access rights to the local drive. It’s No loner visible to us and we can’t install anything locally. Unfortunately for me this also means I can no longer install MSA Runtime on new machines or update my MDE’s.
I’ve had numerous discussions with this chap and he’s adamant that absolutely no one, under any circumstances will be allowed to have access to their local drives. No reason why, it’s just a policy change.
He’s suggested that I was wrong in distributing the front end (MDE) to every local machine and instead should have a single front end on a shared drive that everyone logs onto. I know this is wrong, but he says he’s been developing Access databases for many, many years and he knows from experience this is the correct setup.
I intend to take this up again next week but would like to be armed solid reasons why he’s suggested set-up is mistaken and try to get him to be a little more flexible in allowing access to the local drive.
However, before I get too entrenched I’d appreciate some thoughts and aguments from the community.
Many thanks in advance
I’m Reposting this from as I think I originally posted in the wrong forum (General database discussion)
I work for a firm that has some 500 users of which some 50 use a database that I developed, concurrent usage is somewhere around the 30 mark.
Previously we’ve all had full access rights to the local ‘C’ drive. However, recently a new IT Manager took up post and he’s removed all access rights to the local drive. It’s No loner visible to us and we can’t install anything locally. Unfortunately for me this also means I can no longer install MSA Runtime on new machines or update my MDE’s.
I’ve had numerous discussions with this chap and he’s adamant that absolutely no one, under any circumstances will be allowed to have access to their local drives. No reason why, it’s just a policy change.
He’s suggested that I was wrong in distributing the front end (MDE) to every local machine and instead should have a single front end on a shared drive that everyone logs onto. I know this is wrong, but he says he’s been developing Access databases for many, many years and he knows from experience this is the correct setup.
I intend to take this up again next week but would like to be armed solid reasons why he’s suggested set-up is mistaken and try to get him to be a little more flexible in allowing access to the local drive.
However, before I get too entrenched I’d appreciate some thoughts and aguments from the community.
Many thanks in advance