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You must use the dbSeeChanges opion with OpenRecordset when accessing a SQL Server table

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Technical User
Aug 11, 2021

Could anyone explain why this happening with Access 2010? This code works with Access 2003 but since I've changed over to Access 2012 I am getting this error now even with the use of dbSeeChanges.

“ You must use the dbSeeChanges option with OpenRecordset when accessing a SQL Server table that has an IDENTITY column “

I have a command button on a form that runs this code for invoicing.

Private Sub cmdInvoice_Click()
Dim boolInvoiced As Boolean
Dim intResult As Integer

Select Case Me!optInvoiceOption

Case 1
Case 2
Case 3
End Select


End Sub

The above code calls the following function below.

Public Function CreateNewInvoice(ByVal JobID As Long) As Boolean
On Error GoTo Err_CreateNewInvoice
' Author: Mark Casey
' Description: Creates a new invoice for each customer paying for the
' job.
' Arguments: JobID; The unique Job number.
' Amount.
' Created: 10/04/97
' Last Mod: 05/06/97

Dim dbFreight As Database, rstSalesInvoices As Recordset
Dim rstInvoiceDetails As Recordset
Dim qryJob As QueryDef, qryJobDetails As QueryDef
Dim qdCustomersForJob As QueryDef
Dim rstJob As Recordset, rstJobDetails As Recordset
Dim rstCustomersForJob As Recordset
Dim intInvoiceNo As Long, strCriteria As String

Set dbFreight = CurrentDb
Set rstSalesInvoices = dbFreight.OpenRecordset("Sales Invoices", dbOpenDynaset, dbSeeChanges)
Set rstInvoiceDetails = dbFreight.OpenRecordset("Sales Invoice Details", dbOpenDynaset, dbSeeChanges)

Set qryJob = dbFreight.QueryDefs("qryJobForInvoice")
Set qryJobDetails = dbFreight.QueryDefs("qryJobDetailsForInvoice")
Set qdCustomersForJob = dbFreight.QueryDefs("qryCustomersForJob")

qryJob.Parameters("SearchJobID") = JobID

qryJobDetails.Parameters("SearchJobID") = JobID

qdCustomersForJob.Parameters("SearchJobID") = JobID

Set rstJobDetails = qryJobDetails.OpenRecordset
Set rstCustomersForJob = qdCustomersForJob.OpenRecordset

' rstJob.MoveFirst

Do Until rstCustomersForJob.EOF
With rstSalesInvoices
!CustomerID = rstCustomersForJob!CustomerID
!SalesInvoiceDate = Forms![frmJobInvoiceOptions]![InvoiceDate]
!CompanyID = rstCustomersForJob!JobTypeID ' rstJob!CompanyID
'intInvoiceNo = !SalesInvoiceID
!CurrencyID = rstCustomersForJob!CurrencyID
!CurrencyRate = rstCustomersForJob!CurrencyRate
rstSalesInvoices.Move 0, rstSalesInvoices.LastModified
intInvoiceNo = !SalesInvoiceID

End With

strCriteria = "CustomerID = " & rstCustomersForJob!CustomerID
rstJobDetails.FindFirst strCriteria

Do Until rstJobDetails.NoMatch
With rstInvoiceDetails
!JobID = rstJobDetails!JobID
!SalesInvoiceID = intInvoiceNo
!AccountID = rstJobDetails!AccountID
!Description = rstJobDetails!Description
!Amount = rstJobDetails!Amount
!EuroAmount = rstJobDetails!EuroAmount
!VatRate = rstJobDetails!VatRate

End With
rstJobDetails.FindNext strCriteria

CreateNewInvoice = True

Exit Function

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_CreateNewInvoice

End Function

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated,
>The above code calls the following function below.
No, it does not.
You do not show the code for your procedures:
Which line of code creates the error: use dbSeeChanges ?

---- Andy

"Hmm...they have the internet on computers now"--Homer Simpson
>SQL Server table that has an IDENTITY column

Let's say, if [tt]Sales Invoices[/tt] table's [tt]CustomerID[/tt] field is declared as an IDENTITY column, ...

Google said:
Identity column of a table is a column whose value increases automatically. The value in an identity column is created by the server. A user generally cannot insert a value into an identity column. Identity column can be used to uniquely identify the rows in the table.

---- Andy

"Hmm...they have the internet on computers now"--Homer Simpson
Hi Andy,

Sorry, see below

Private Sub cmdInvoice_Click()
Dim boolInvoiced As Boolean
Dim intResult As Integer

Select Case Me!optInvoiceOption

Case 1
Case 2
Case 3
End Select
End Sub

Public Sub CreateSalesInvoice()
Dim intResult As Integer

If Forms![Jobs]![Invoiced] = True Then
intResult = MsgBox("An invoice already exists for this job", vbYesNo, CYBCAPT)
Exit Sub
End If

intResult = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to create a Sales Invoice?", vbYesNo, CYBCAPT)

If intResult = vbYes Then
' boolInvoiced = CreateNewInvoice(Me!JobID)
If CreateNewInvoice(Forms![Jobs]![JobID]) Then
Forms![Jobs]!Invoiced = True
DoCmd.openForm "Sales Invoices"
End If
MsgBox "Sales invoice was not created", , CYBCAPT
End If
End Sub

This is working on my Access 2003 and I have tried running it on another desktop using Access 2012 but it's throwing out the dbSeeChanges option with OpenRecordset when accessing a SQL Server table that has an IDENTITY column error

The error happens after I click the Yes command button to create a new invoice

Public Sub CreateSalesInvoice()
Dim intResult As Integer

If Forms![Jobs]![Invoiced] = True Then
intResult = MsgBox("An invoice already exists for this job", vbYesNo, CYBCAPT)
Exit Sub
End If

intResult = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to create a Sales Invoice?", vbYesNo, CYBCAPT)
Like I said, if - for example - CustomerID is an IDENTITY field, and you try to write to it:
With rstSalesInvoices
    !CustomerID = rstCustomersForJob!CustomerID[/red]
    !SalesInvoiceDate = Forms![frmJobInvoiceOptions]![InvoiceDate]
    !CompanyID = rstCustomersForJob!JobTypeID ' rstJob!CompanyID
    'intInvoiceNo = !SalesInvoiceID
    !CurrencyID = rstCustomersForJob!CurrencyID
    !CurrencyRate = rstCustomersForJob!CurrencyRate
End With
You canNOT :-(

intResult = MsgBox("An invoice already exists for this job", [red]vbYesNo[/red], CYBCAPT)

Wouldn't be easier to just:
Call MsgBox("An invoice already exists for this job", [blue]vbOKOnly[/blue], CYBCAPT)

---- Andy

"Hmm...they have the internet on computers now"--Homer Simpson
Hi Andy,

I understand what your saying but why does this work in Access 2003 and not in 2012? It's still the same FE and still inked to the same BE SQL serve. It must have something to do with the Access version?

Who knows...?
Maybe Access 2003 used a brute force, and Access 2012 cannot do that [ponder]
You just have to play nice and modify your code.

---- Andy

"Hmm...they have the internet on computers now"--Homer Simpson
Hi Andy,

Thanks for the feedback I'm only a newbie to Access and coding and didn't write this code. I thought I could easily add a line here so learning how to use Recordset.
I would first find out which table has the IDENTITY field and focus on this field in your code.
It may be as easy as commenting out one line of code...

---- Andy

"Hmm...they have the internet on computers now"--Homer Simpson
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