Check your mail. At the command prompt type "mailx", it will list your mail messages, type the number of the message you want to read to read it, type "d (msg #)" to delete a message, type "d *" to delete all messages.
Jon Zimmer
The software required `Windows 95 or better', so I installed Linux.
First backup your $HOME/.bash_profile by doing "cp .bash_profile .bash_profile.bak" then look in and edit your $HOME/.bash_profile by typing "vi .bash_profile" from your home directory. There should be a statement pertaining to mail where it says something like MAILMSG="You have mail" and something that says to echo $MAILMSG. Just comment out MAILMSG and "echo $MAILMSG" by putting a "#" before the command/statement. Then save the file by typing [esc] ":wq" and re-source your .bash_profile by typing ". ./.bash_profile" That should take care of the problem for you. Then RTFM.
Jon Zimmer
The software required `Windows 95 or better', so I installed Linux.
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