Yesterday, our server crashed because of some excess heat generated by a UPS that overheated. (I actually burned my skin when I accidentally touched the equipment!)
We have a Maxtor 5000XT external hard drive attached to the server. After the crash and all the fixes necessary to be "live" we now find that the 250 GB hard drive shows the correct amount of used/free space, but there is no listing for the files or folders that occupy the used space.
I need suggestions to be able to access that data again, and to see a listing of those files and folders. Any help greatly appreciated!
We have a Maxtor 5000XT external hard drive attached to the server. After the crash and all the fixes necessary to be "live" we now find that the 250 GB hard drive shows the correct amount of used/free space, but there is no listing for the files or folders that occupy the used space.
I need suggestions to be able to access that data again, and to see a listing of those files and folders. Any help greatly appreciated!