I requested help on this issue last year
and thought the formula:
Local NumberVar year_diff := DateDiff("yyyy",{MIGRATE_DIVISION.REVIEW_DT}, CurrentDate)
If Currentdate > {MIGRATE_DIVISION.REVIEW_DT} then
DateAdd('yyyy', {@year_diff} +1, {MIGRATE_DIVISION.REVIEW_DT})
worked great in the waning months of 2002, when all review dates had passed and all future review dates were not an issue.
Now I am running into a probelm when , for instance I have review date of 3-2003 as the true nextdate....it is showing on the report as 3-2004.
and thought the formula:
Local NumberVar year_diff := DateDiff("yyyy",{MIGRATE_DIVISION.REVIEW_DT}, CurrentDate)
If Currentdate > {MIGRATE_DIVISION.REVIEW_DT} then
DateAdd('yyyy', {@year_diff} +1, {MIGRATE_DIVISION.REVIEW_DT})
worked great in the waning months of 2002, when all review dates had passed and all future review dates were not an issue.
Now I am running into a probelm when , for instance I have review date of 3-2003 as the true nextdate....it is showing on the report as 3-2004.