Hi Guys,
this is probably an easy one, but I'm not sure how to quickly add in the information without having to create a table to hold the data.
In the system I'm working with people are able to enter Holidays in a text field.
Either 01/01/2011 for a specific date.
or 01/01/XXXX if the date recurs every year.
When I calculate the time between two dates to check if any of the dates are a holiday I would basically do a count and check for the dates using the following view:
but as 'XXXX' is not a date this would not work. How would I substitute XXXX so that I would still be able to calculate a time difference between let's say 23-12-2004 to 25-5-2011 (the date duration can overlap multiple years).
Many Thanks,
Implementation Consultant at
this is probably an easy one, but I'm not sure how to quickly add in the information without having to create a table to hold the data.
In the system I'm working with people are able to enter Holidays in a text field.
Either 01/01/2011 for a specific date.
or 01/01/XXXX if the date recurs every year.
When I calculate the time between two dates to check if any of the dates are a holiday I would basically do a count and check for the dates using the following view:
Create view [dbo].[ViewBusinessHolidays] as
(select dtdate from(
SELECT Convert (datetime,stringvalue, 103) as dtdate
FROM tblTabletoCheck
where Code = 'Holiday' ) as a
where Datename (dw,dtdate) not in ('Saturday', 'Sunday')
Many Thanks,
Implementation Consultant at