I'm testing a avaya phone on a extreme switch with a freeradius.
Here is the config of the freeradius user for the phone :
001B4F71101F1 Cleartext-Password:="12345"
Tunnel-Type=10, #data vlan
In that case the phone goes in the data vlan.
Once it's in the data vlan it receive a ip adresse and some parameter to go to the voicevlan.
Then the phone go to the voice vlan but in the sh netlogin the phone stay in the data vlan.
How do i have to configure the switch/freeradius to allow the phone to go in the voice vlan just after the data vlan ?
ACA IPTelephony
ACA IPOffice implement
ACS IPOffice implement
I'm testing a avaya phone on a extreme switch with a freeradius.
Here is the config of the freeradius user for the phone :
001B4F71101F1 Cleartext-Password:="12345"
Tunnel-Type=10, #data vlan
In that case the phone goes in the data vlan.
Once it's in the data vlan it receive a ip adresse and some parameter to go to the voicevlan.
Then the phone go to the voice vlan but in the sh netlogin the phone stay in the data vlan.
How do i have to configure the switch/freeradius to allow the phone to go in the voice vlan just after the data vlan ?
ACA IPTelephony
ACA IPOffice implement
ACS IPOffice implement