I want the xsl to get the class and color I want to use on each line but it is only using the class and color from the first <ln> in the XML. Do you know of any way that the xsl can use whatever class and color that is defined in the <ln> of the XML file. Please look below for an example of what I am talking about. If you have any questions please let me know.
My xml doc looks like:
<ln class="text10" color="#003366">this is a line test</ln>
<ln class="text12" color="#cc0033">this is another line test</ln>
My XSL looks like:
<xsl:for-each select"/information/top/ln">
<font class="{information/top/ln/@class}" color="{information/top/ln/@color}">
My xml doc looks like:
<ln class="text10" color="#003366">this is a line test</ln>
<ln class="text12" color="#cc0033">this is another line test</ln>
My XSL looks like:
<xsl:for-each select"/information/top/ln">
<font class="{information/top/ln/@class}" color="{information/top/ln/@color}">