This is a kind of a strange one:
this code works sometimes, but not all the time
What I have is a function that is called when a tooltip has a value. It works for drop downs, check boxes and text boxes, but it refuses to work with radio buttons.
I kinda guess this is a difficult question, so if you need more information please ask.
I basically don't want it to add that function when there is no value in tooltip or when it equals ''.
this code works sometimes, but not all the time
<xsl:if test="not(@tooltip) or @tooltip!=''">
<xsl:attribute name="onmouseover">return escape('<xsl:value-of select="@tooltip" />');
I kinda guess this is a difficult question, so if you need more information please ask.
I basically don't want it to add that function when there is no value in tooltip or when it equals ''.